Marketing Strategy: Key Concepts 8
Channel Selection Issues
Use middlemen who perform functions more efficiently. Functions include:
- information flow
- promotion
- negotiation
- ordering
- financing
- risk taking
- physical possession
- payment and title
Two key issues to support intermediaries
- Improve exchange efficiency (5 mf. and 5 customers = 25
transactions with no intermediary; 10 transactions with one
- specialize in functions listed above
Types of utilty provided by intermediaries:
- Time
- Place
- Possession
- Form
Channel decisions include:
- direct selling versus using 1 or 2 or more intermediaries
Manufacturer -> Consumer
Manufacturer -> Retailer -> Consumer
Manufacturer -> Wholesaler -> Retailer -> Consumer
Manufacturer -> Distributor -> Wholsesaler -> Retailer -> Consumer
- analyze customers' desired service outputs (size, waiting time,
spatial convenience, support etc.)
- channel objectives and contraints (based on product characteristics,
intermediaries, environment and competitors channels)
- buyer behavior (consumer and channel)
- buyer demongraphics
- identify channel alternatives (exclusive (BMW) vs. selective (clothes
lines) vs.
intensive (orange juice))
- competitors' channels
- channel terms and responsibilities
- channel incentives (trade promotions etc.)
- evaluate channel by economic, adaptive and control criteria
Direct to market =
- Greater fixed cost
- Greater effectiveness / control over contacts
- Greater control over targeting
Indirect to market =
- Greater variable cost
- Less control / responsibility
- Greater coverage
- Knowledge of customer within channel
Issues in selecting channel partners:
- What role do partner play?
- What margin do we give?
- Can / do they carry competing / complementary product, private
- How do we incentivize
- Do they pass on price cuts?
- How do we control for cannibalization w/ other channels (direct)?
Lock-in to
channel decisions
Channel decisions impact on other elements of the mix
Life cycle issues change channel strategy.
Early stage: Specialized channels
Growth stage: Alternative channels
Maturity stage: Mass channels
Early stage: high control, service and delivered price
Later stage: increasing conflict, range of providers, complexity of
Channel member relationships
Impact of trade promotions: distortion effects?
Zero sum Relationship w/ channel members?
Need to build symbiotic
relationships with channel members.
Channel modification issues
Trends include vertical, horizontal and multi-channel conflict.
has had significant impact re: building new channels and changing
industries through disintermediation
and information flow issues.
Legal and ethical issues:
- Exclusive dealing
- Exclusive territories
- Tying agreements
- Dealers' rights
Retailing includes all interactions w/ final customer
- Store retailing (specialty, department stores, supermarkets,
convenience, superstores, discount stores, warehouse stores,
hypermarkets and catalog showrooms)
- Non-store retailing (direct selling, direct mail billing, catalogs,
web, vending machines)
- Retail organizations (corporate chains, voluntary chains / retailer
cooperatives, consumer cooperatives, franchises, independents)
Retail life cycle
Wheel of retailing
Retail market planning:
- target audiences
- product: assortment and service
- product: positioning (Kmart vs. Wal Mart and Target)
- product: services and store atmospherics
- product: symbiotic relationships
- pricing
- promotion
- place
Retailing trends:
- new forms
- shortening life cycles
- non store growth
- intertype competition, polarity, category killers
- one-stop shopping
- global expansion
- stores as meeting places
Wholesaling includes all interactions w/ intermediaries buying for
resale or business use.
Functions include:
- selling and promotion
- buying and assortment-building
- bulk-breaking
- warehousing
- transporting
- financing
- risk bearing
- supplying market information
Wholesalers comprise four groups:
- merchant wholesalers (take possession, full service vs. limited
- agents and brokers (do not take possession, paid commission)
- manufacturers' and retailers' branches
- miscellaneous wholesalers (eg agricultural, bulk chemicals)
Increasing importance of logistics, and providing a system-wide approach
at reducing costs.
Logistics decisions:
- order processing (shorten order to remittance cycle)
- warehousing
- inventory
- transportation (rail, air, trucks, waterways, and pipelines)
Interesting sites:
Discussion Topic: Impact of channel members creating a
market for used product. Is this good or bad for the market, how does it
impact the value of the new product?
Relevant Knowledge @ Wharton
20-Year Identity
Taking Stock of
Supermarket Retail Performance
Trade Promotions Can Ease Friction Between Manufacturers and Retailers
E-tailers: Will It Be Ho-Ho or So-So?
Making the Case for
Outside Sales Reps
How Store Location
and Pricing Structure Affect Shopping Behavior
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