Deborah Allen received her Ph.D. in Biological Sciences from the University of Delaware. Following postdoctoral training at Dartmouth Medical School, she returned to join the University's Department of Biological Sciences as an assistant professor, her current position. She in addition is a faculty member of the University Honors Program. Her laboratory research interests include neuroendocrine regulation of blood pressure and fluid volume homeostasis, interests she has shared with a number of undergraduate research students. A recent recipient of the University's Excellence in Teaching Award, she has successfully developed a two-semesteer problem-based learning course in introductory biology. Materials from this course are in preparation for a book to be published by Saunders College Publishing in early 1998. Current activities in science education also include a development program for undergraduate problem-based learning peer tutors (supported by DOE-FIPSE), and programs for engaging pre- and in-service middle and secondary school science teachers in discovery based science projects (funded by NSF-DUE).
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