UDaily is produced by the Office of Public Relations
The Academy Building
105 East Main St.
Newark, DE 19716-2701
(302) 831-2791
New assignments
1 p.m., March 16, 2005--Click on the names in blue below to see employee photos.
New employees
- Shirin Akhavan Mirsajadi, teacher, Early Learning Center
- Janet Finlayon Cates, speech therapist, physical therapy
- Isaac A. Collins, assistant coach, intercollegiate athletics
- Carolyn Powell Corrozi, secretary, psychology
- Holly M. Crain, teacher, Early Learning Center
- Karen Greco, records technician, financial aid
- Robert Arthur Grey, coordinator, Delaware Center for Teacher Education
- David Cornell Hannah, secretary, Center for Disability Studies
- Ning Huang, research associate, animal and food sciences
- John L. Leeks, environmental health and safety technician, occupational health and safety
- Robert Emmett Lyons, professor, plant and soil science
- Donna M. Moore, senior secretary, physical therapy
- Amanda Marie Organek, teacher, Early Learning Center
- Michelle Renee Overway, limited-term researcher, marine studies
- Kelly Ann Peeler, research associate, marine studies
- Lisa M. Perelli, coordinator, marine studies
- Debra J. Pierce, senior records specialist, payroll and systems administration
- Miriam Lynam Pomilio, research associate, Delaware Geological Survey
- Erin Christine Shepherd, editor, American Philosophical Association
- Elaine Short, staff assistant, Applied Science and Engineering Laboratories
- Diana L. I. Spencer, assistant coach, intercollegiate athletics
- James M. Tate, environmental health specialist, occupational health and safety
- Joseph N. Weber, associate professor, art conservation
- Marianne Zecher, limited-term researcher, biological sciences
Employee transfers