UDaily is produced by the Office of Public Relations
The Academy Building
105 East Main St.
Newark, DE 19716-2701
(302) 831-2791
New assignments
9 a.m., Oct. 13, 2005--Click on the names in blue below to see employee photos.
New employees:
- Jo-Ann Malfitano Baca, assistant director, Delaware Center for Teacher Education;
- Tonya Rae Bartell, assistant professor, education;
- Zathraya Melissa Beard, medical services representative, physical therapy;
- Lauren Wallace Bernardo, instructor, education;
- Leigh K. Cote, farm assistant, UD farm;
- Eric Eslinger, assistant professor, education;
- Victor Petrovich Fomin, assistant professor, biological sciences;
- Jeffreen Mary Lou Hayes, instructor, hotel, restaurant and institutional management;
- Charlotte G. Holden, teacher, Early Learning Center;
- Darryl Jacobs, assistant coach, intercollegiate athletics;
- Andris Kronbergs, research associate, biological sciences;
- Sue McNeil, professor, civil and environmental engineering;
- Michael Aaron O'Neal, associate professor, geography;
- Andrea Polukis, teacher, Early Learning Center;
- Robert William Prendergast III, assistant professor, English;
- Susan L. Rarick, psychologist, Center for Counseling and Student Development;
- Kristen D. Ritchey, assistant professor, education;
- Michael Anthony Shay, assistant professor, physics and astronomy;
- Meredith Kimberley Stockburger, laboratory nurse, nursing; and
- Diane Laura Thisell, executive secretary, university development.
Employee transfers:
