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Lego tournament showcases innovation

James Coates and Brandon Wisnoski, members of "Dr. MOE and the Dominators-Blue Team" from H. B. duPont Middle School, put their robot, “MOE's Pride,” through its paces.
4:33 p.m., Jan. 25, 2005--The storm that dumped more than six inches of snow throughout Delaware last Saturday didn’t dampen ingenuity or spirits as students from local schools competed in the 2005 First State FIRST Lego League Tournament at the Bob Carpenter Center.

Launched in 1989 as a partnership between the Lego Group and FIRST (For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology), a nonprofit organization working to inspire engineering interest in young learners, the FIRST Lego League uses Legos to teach scientific and technological concepts to students, 9-14.

Students in the Delaware Valley who are active in the FIRST Lego League form peer groups each September to build and hone robots in the months leading up to the annual one-day tournament in January.

This year’s competition drew 48 teams that hailed from elementary, middle schools and community groups throughout the tristate area, including a team from Newark’s Pike Creek Christian School.

Nine different awards were given in categories that included most robust robot, most innovative programming and robot that beat the greatest odds.

Photo by Duane Perry

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