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Special Sessions administrator honored

Allan Fanjoy, administrator of UD Special Sessions
4:28 p.m., Dec. 2, 2004--Allan Fanjoy, administrator of UD Special Sessions, including summer and winter sessions, received the first North American Association of Summer Sessions (NAASS) Distinguished Service Award, Nov. 8, at its annual conference in Halifax, Nova Scotia.

The award was created to “recognize extraordinary contributions by an NAASS member to the field of summer session administration through exemplary service to NAASS and leadership in their own summer session programs.”

A member of NAASS since 1988, Fanjoy was cited for his contributions in creating, improving and maintaining the NAASS web site and also for his work in improving methods of gaining and analyzing data for its joint statistical report.

He chaired both the association’s research and publications committees and has been a member at large of its administrative council. The organization has approximately 400 member schools.

Fanjoy, who is a graduate of Notre Dame University with master’s degrees in theatre from Montclair University and in public administration from UD, came to the University in 1976 as a director in the former undergraduate theatre program. He has been involved with special sessions since 1988.

Photo by Duane Perry

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