The Swedish connection The students met over lunch, went on a campus tour, attended a reception at the Blue & Gold Club to meet faculty involved with LIFE, saw an exhibition of student art and ended their visit with dinner at the Deer Park. We wanted the Swedish students to see what an American university and campus are like and to meet and talk informally with a group of their peers, Meghan Biery, program coordinator for the Center for Teaching Effectiveness, said. The two groups of students are excited to be meeting each other after writing to each other since January. Biery organized the event. The Swedish students are enrolled in a course at Calmare Internationaella Skola, called International Profile: USA, and, with their teacher, Jessica Svardh, are spending a week learning about Wilmington, Kalmars sister city. Article by Sue Moncure To learn how to subscribe to UDaily, click here. |