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Joan Odell re-elected head of Town & Gown Committee

1:55 p.m., Oct. 17, 2003--Joan Odell, assistant University secretary, has been elected chairperson of the Town & Gown Committee for the third consecutive year.

Joan Odell

At the September meeting, Odell received a unanimous vote from the Town & Gown Committee, which is made up of representatives from various University and student organizations, as well as city and community groups. The goal of the Town & Gown Committee is to foster a good relationship between the city of Newark and the University of Delaware.

As chairperson, Odell is responsible for assembling the agenda for each Town & Gown meeting and scheduling various individuals to address the committee during its meetings. Her goal, she said, is to bring together a cross section of various groups that will provide different perspectives on the issues at hand.

“She’s done a great job addressing the issues that exist between the University and the city,” Hal Godwin, mayor of Newark said. “She’s a wonderful leader and easy to work with.”

Odell said the Town & Gown Committee recently reviewed a new Town & Gown web site, created by UD’s Office of Public Relations, with input from City Manager Carl Luft, UD officials and members of the Town & Gown Committee.

The Town & Gown committee meets four times a year in the city manager’s conference room. The meetings are open to the public. For more information visit [www.udel.edu/towngown/index.html].

Article by Dean Geddes, AS ’05
Photo by Kathy Atkinson

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