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Stephanie Baddish
Krista Bathurst
Laura Bauer
Lia Bickham
Steve Brennan
Kristin Buckley
Clover Campbell
Marissa Campbell
Brian Carroll
Richelle Chapman
Michael Cinderella
John Clinger
Gabriel Colon
Shanna Cooney
Trevor Costello
Erin Cunningham
Cristina D'Alessio
Nicholas Demaio
Elisabeth Dempster
Cheryl Difabritis
Annie DiRocco
Christiana Dobrzynski
Andi Drewes
Lindsay Dubil
Ian Ertle
Michael Franklin
Jacqueline Gabler
Vanessa Gatti
Brian Goldberg
Ari Goldberg-Strassler
Michelle Gorman
Jill Guarracino
Bryan Hagerich
Darrell Harvey
Brenda Hundertpfund
Dion Hutt
Tara Iracki
Corey Irons
Christofer Johnson
Ashley Joseph
Stephanie Karpf
Mukta Khasnis
Kimberly Klusty
Nick Kostas
Andrew Krieger
Paul Kudlick
Scott Lacey
Benjamin Lee
Fred Ludd Jr.
Jen Luft
Jayme Mack
Brendan MacKie
Jessica May
Colleen McCoy
Mark Merezio
Robert Midgley
Tim Miller
Theresa Mierzwa
Lauren Morgan-Schatz
Courtney Mucha
Briana Naughton
Nicole Nickerson
Erik Norris
Desiree Norwood
Kimberly Perry
Kate Picaro
Tahra Piser
Katie Reimer
Matt Rein
Donald Roberson Jr.
Eddie Sander
Leslie Schaap
Ben Shiffman
Katie Shortt
Alex Smith
Andrea Sousa
Ilyse Spitalny
Kristen Sprinkle
Trish Stapleton
Leslie Stover
Ben Stuchlik
Stacey Swider
Emily Threlfall
Jeniece Trizzino
Laura Tymon
Amanda Vasilikos
Kenny Wan
Jennifer Wein
Veronica Welsh
Teresa Wentzel
Kathleen White
April Wiegman
Jessica Willard
Rebecca Williams
D.J. Wolf
Christian Woods
Graham Worrall
Linda Wozniak

UDAILY is produced by
the Office of Public Relations
150 South College Ave.
Newark, DE 19716-2701
(302) 831-2791

DelaWorld 2003

Leslie Stover (left), an undelcared major from Newtown, Pa., with parents, Cindy and Jack

Photo by Ivan Markos