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DuPont Hall work nears completion

Construction at DuPont Hall should be completed by the end of May, and restoration of the Mall is moving along quickly, according to Gina Sinovich, senior project manager in UD’s Department of Facilities Planning and Construction.

The access road from Delaware Avenue to the DuPont Hall construction site on the Mall has been removed, Sinovich said, as has the perimeter fence surrounding the construction site.

The next step is restoration of brick walkways and the Mall grass.

Work on the 60,000-square-foot expansion of DuPont Hall began in June 2000. The addition was designed by Allan Greenberg Associates, which also designed Gore Hall. Bancroft Construction Co. has managed the $23.7 million construction project.

DuPont Hall serves as the home of the College of Engineering.

The first floor of the addition will contain administrative offices for the dean and the dean’s staff and space for the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering.

The second floor will become the home of the newly created Department of Materials Science and Engineering, and the third floor will contain the administrative offices of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, as well as additional laboratories for electrical and computer engineering.

For more on DuPont Hall, see http://www.udel.edu/duPonthall/.

Story by Randi Hornstein

Photos by Kathy Flickinger

April 15, 2002