Delaware Review of Latin American Studies
Submission Instructions

May be in English, Spanish or Portuguese
Length: 15- 25 pages preferred, but not limited to
Double spaced
Use footnotes
MLA Style for literature and culture
APA Style for social science

Microsoft Word or Word Perfect

An abstract of 50-100 words

Blind Peer Review Process:
Manuscripts are first examined by our editors for clarity, fluency and mechanics. Once accepted by the editors, manuscripts are cataloged by date and title only, then sent for review to at least two specialists in the field. Most manuscripts are accepted or rejected within 6 to 8 months.

Include in Title Page:
Institutional affiliation
Mailing address
e-mail address
phone number

Submit as:
E-mail attachment to

Requested Book Reviews:
DeRLAS does not accept unsolicited book reviews
750 words for a single book
1,500 words for several books on the same theme

Last updated February 9, 2017