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Mission Statement

The University of Delaware exists to cultivate learning, develop knowledge, and foster the free exchange of ideas. State-assisted yet privately governed, the University has a strong tradition of distinguished scholarship, research, teaching, and service that is grounded in a commitment to increasing and disseminating scientific, humanistic, and social knowledge for the benefit of the larger society. Founded in 1743 and chartered by the state in 1833, the University of Delaware today is a land-grant, sea-grant, and space-grant university.

The University of Delaware is a major research university with extensive graduate programs that is also dedicated to outstanding undergraduate and professional education. University faculty are committed to the intellectual, cultural, and ethical development of students as citizens, scholars, and professionals. University graduates are prepared to contribute to a global society that requires leaders with creativity, integrity, and a dedication to service.

The University of Delaware promotes an environment in which all people are inspired to learn, and encourages intellectual curiosity, critical thinking, free inquiry, and respect for the views and values of an increasingly diverse population.

An institution engaged in addressing the critical needs of the state, nation, and global community, the University of Delaware carries out its mission with the support of alumni who span the globe and in partnerships with public, private, and nonprofit institutions in Delaware and beyond.

Guiding Principles

The University of Delaware's strategic plan was adopted in May 2008 and defines the aspirations and initiatives that will advance the University on a Path to Prominence™. The following five guiding principles identify UD's core values:

  • Delaware First
  • Diversity
  • Partnership
  • Engagement
  • Impact

Strategic Milestones

The following strategic milestones build upon key strengths and critical capabilities of the University. The realization of each college, school, department and unit's strategic goals, aligned to these shared milestones, will assist in fulfilling the mission and vision of the University. In October 2010 a summary report assessing the University's progress on its Path to Prominence was developed and details the academic and administrative accomplishments, implementation efforts, current initiatives and future directions and challenges for UD. This report can be found at

  • A Diverse and Stimulating Undergraduate Academic Environment
  • A Premier Research and Graduate University
  • Excellence in Professional Education
  • The Initiative for the Planet
  • The Global Initiative
  • The Engaged University


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  • UD Office of Institutional Research & Planning & Effectiveness  •   325 Hullihen Hall  •   Newark, DE 19716  •   USA
    Phone: 302-831-2021  •   E-mail:  •  © 2013