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Curriculum Group Number in Class1 Number Who Received Survey2 Number of Respondents3
Full-Time Employment
Part-Time Employment
Pursuing Further Education
Still Seeking Employment
n %
Agriculture & Natural Resources 160 160 42 26.3 52.4 9.5 33.3 4.8
Arts & Sciences
- Humanities 380 380 89 23.4 59.6 15.7 16.9 3.4
- Social Sciences 876 876 162 18.5 59.3 8.0 27.2 5.6
- Life & Health Sciences 171 171 41 24.0 43.9 7.3 41.5 2.4
- Physical Sciences 106 106 28 26.4 32.1 7.1 53.6 7.1
Business & Economics 820 820 303 37.0 83.2 5.6 8.3 2.0
Earth, Ocean, & Environment 33 33 9 27.3 33.3 11.1 55.6 --
Education & Human Development 260 260 113 43.5 59.3 15.0 23.0 0.9
Engineering 334 334 219 65.6 59.8 5.5 31.5 0.5
Health Sciences 481 481 201 41.8 53.7 10.0 29.9 0.5
2011 University Total4 3,621 3,621 1,207 33.3 62.9 8.5 24.0 2.2

1The number in class is based on expected graduates from IPEDS degree completions data.
2Beginning with the 2010 Career Plans Survey, postcards were sent for the fall follow-up mailings: non-deliverable postcards were not received.
3The number of respondents includes only baccalaureate respondents with valid data on Career Plans Survey, question A for the reported responses on this table.
4Twenty (1.7%) of the 1,207 respondents indicated they are not seeking work in 2011.
Note: Percentages may not total to 100.0 because of rounding.

Source: Data obtained through the Career Services Center and the Office of Institutional Research Career Plans Survey.

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