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Fall 2008 Through Fall 2012

  2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
Faculty 1,117 1,111 1,126 1,131 1,128
Female 431 437 438 449 447
Male 686 674 688 682 681
Exempt (Includes Chairpersons) 1,354 1,403 1,469 1,543 1,600
Female 717 752 803 864 890
Male 637 651 666 679 710
Non-Exemptf/Hourly 1,337 1,332 1,303 1,267 1,203
Female 844 834 803 772 731
Male 493 498 500 495 472
TOTAL 3,808 3,846 3,898 3,941 3,931
Female 1,992 2,023 2,044 2,085 2,068
Male 1,816 1,823 1,854 1,856 1,863

Source: Office of Institutional Research/UDEW

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