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Fall 2006 Through Fall 2010

  2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
N % N % N % N % N %
Women 1,809 52 1,807 53 1,802 52 1,889 52 1,895 52
Men 1,637 48 1,598 47 1,646 48 1,745 48 1,775 48
College of Agriculture & Natural Resources
Women 96 55 96 57 95 53 98 54 96 59
Men 79 45 73 43 85 47 85 46 68 41
College of Arts & Sciences1
Women 676 56 674 57 677 55 595 54 639 56
Men 539 44 514 43 560 45 512 46 501 44
Alfred Lerner College of Business & Economics2
Women 190 37 201 38 223 41 253 41 285 44
Men 322 63 330 62 323 59 357 59 359 56
College of Earth, Ocean, & Environment3
Women 61 49 58 51 54 46 74 52 79 52
Men 63 51 56 49 64 54 69 48 74 48
College of Education & Human Development
Women 509 70 463 69 459 69 482 68 310 69
Men 216 30 208 31 211 31 229 32 141 31
College of Engineering4
Women 137 26 125 25 134 26 135 25 198 26
Men 388 74 383 75 375 74 411 75 559 74
College of Health Sciences5
Women 140 82 190 85 160 85 252 75 288 80
Men 30 18 34 15 28 15 82 25 73 20

1The Fashion and Apparel Studies Department moved to the College of Arts and Sciences in 2010. The School of Urban Affairs and Public Policy reported to the Office of the Provost, but organizationally was included in the College of Arts and Sciences in 2010.
2The Hotel, Restaurant & Institutional Management Deparatment moved to the Alfred Lerner College of Business and Economics in 2008.
3The Geology Department and the Geography Department moved to the College of Earth, Ocean & Environment in 2006 and 2009, respectively.
4The Computer Science Department and the Energy and Environmental Policy Program moved to the College of Engineering in 2010.
5The Department of Physical Therapy moved to the College of Health Sciences in 2009.

Source: Office of Institutional Research/UDEW

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