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Fall 2006 Through Fall 2010

ALL CAMPUSES 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
TOTAL 20,380 20,342 20,500 21,138 21,177
Full-Time 17,546 17,679 17,881 18,469 18,621
Part-Time 2,834 2,663 2,619 2,669 2,556
Undergraduate1 15,849 15,983 16,075 16,521 16,661
Full-Time 14,992 15,152 15,287 15,786 15,888
Part-Time 857 831 788 735 773
Graduate2 3,446 3,405 3,448 3,634 3,670
Full-Time 2,540 2,514 2,584 2,671 2,727
Part-Time 906 891 864 963 943
Professional & Continuing Studies3
1,085 954 977 983 846
Full-Time 14 13 10 12 6
Part-Time 1,071 941 967 971 840
NEWARK CAMPUS 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
TOTAL 18,657 18,723 18,855 19,391 19,557
Undergraduate 15,211 15,318 15,407 15,757 15,887
Full-Time 14,400 14,519 14,639 15,042 15,140
Part-Time 811 799 768 715 747
Graduate 3,446 3,405 3,448 3,634 3,670
Full-Time 2,540 2,514 2,584 2,671 2,727
Part-Time 906 891 864 963 943
College of Agriculture & Natural Resources 771 833 849 881 877
Undergraduate 596 664 669 698 713
Full-Time 529 606 623 657 670
Part-Time 67 58 46 41 43
Graduate 175 169 180 183 164
Full-Time 160 157 172 175 157
Part-Time 15 12 8 8 7
College of Arts & Sciences4 7,755 7,597 7,525 7,269 7,402
Undergraduate 6,540 6,409 6,288 6,162 6,262
Full-Time 6,169 6,010 5,914 5,821 5,935
Part-Time 371 399 374 341 327
Graduate 1,215 1,188 1,237 1,107 1,140
Full-Time 1,094 1,082 1,140 1,017 1,042
Part-Time 121 106 97 90 98
Office of University Studies 1,014 923 956 1,048 1,126
(No Graduate Program)
Undergraduate 1,014 923 956 1,048 1,126
Full-Time 974 890 916 1,014 1,096
Part-Time 40 33 40 34 30
Alfred Lerner College of Business & Economics5 2,785 2,899 3,452 3,396 3,470
Undergraduate 2,273 2,368 2,906 2,786 2,826
Full-Time 2,206 2,314 2,835 2,720 2,757
Part-Time 67 54 71 66 69
Graduate 512 531 546 610 644
Full-Time 243 245 253 281 341
Part-Time 269 286 293 329 303
College of Earth, Ocean, & Environment6 148 153 165 310 368
Undergraduate 24 39 47 167 215
Full-Time 23 35 44 160 207
Part-Time 1 4 3 7 8
Graduate 124 114 118 143 153
Full-Time 123 112 114 139 149
Part-Time 1 2 4 4 4
College of Education & Human Development 2,631 2,523 2,071 2,107 1,448
Undergraduate 1,906 1,852 1,401 1,396 997
Full-Time 1,825 1,775 1,345 1,364 965
Part-Time 81 77 56 32 32
Graduate 725 671 670 711 451
Full-Time 399 389 380 409 201
Part-Time 326 282 290 302 250
College of Engineering7 1,731 1,794 1,845 2,056 2,577
Undergraduate 1,206 1,286 1,336 1,510 1,820
Full-Time 1,173 1,255 1,303 1,482 1,770
Part-Time 33 31 33 28 50
Graduate 525 508 509 546 757
Full-Time 452 448 463 484 673
Part-Time 73 60 46 62 84
College of Health Sciences
1,822 2,001 1,992 2,324 2,289
Undergraduate 1,652 1,777 1,804 1,990 1,928
Full-Time 1,501 1,634 1,659 1,824 1,740
Part-Time 151 143 145 166 188
Graduate8 170 224 188 334 361
Full-Time 69 81 62 166 164
Part-Time 101 143 126 168 197
TOTAL 638 665 668 764 774
Undergraduate 638 665 668 764 774
Full-Time 592 633 648 744 748
Part-Time 46 32 20 20 26
Associate in Arts: Georgetown 153 118 148 156 168
Undergraduate 153 118 148 156 168
Full-Time 138 117 144 153 162
Part-Time 15 1 4 3 6
Associate in Arts: Dover 113 115 112 146 144
Undergraduate 113 115 112 146 144
Full-Time 109 113 107 144 141
Part-Time 4 2 5 2 3
Associate in Arts: Wilmington 372 432 408 462 462
Undergraduate 372 432 408 462 462
Full-Time 345 403 397 447 445
Part-Time 27 29 11 15 17

1Official 10th Day headcounts, Newark Campus and University Associate in Arts Program combined.
2Graduate students on sustaining status are considered full-time if the student spends at least one-half time on the completion of his/her thesis or dissertation.
3Professional & Continuing Studies Students are non-matriculated and are unclassified although enrolled in undergraduate and graduate degree credit courses.
The Fashion and Apparel Studies Department moved to the College of Arts and Sciences in 2010. The School of Urban Affairs and Public Policy reported to the Office of the Provost, but organizationally was included in the College of Arts and Sciences in 2010.
5The Hotel, Restaurant & Institutional Management Department and the Sport Management/Sport Management Interest Program moved to the Alfred Lerner College of Business & Economics in 2008 and 2010, respectively.
6The Geology Department and the Geography Department moved to the College of Earth, Ocean, & Environment in 2006 and 2009, respectively.
7The Computer Science Department and the Energy and Environment Policy Program moved to the College of Engineering in 2010.
8The Department of Physical Therapy moved from the College of Arts & Sciences to the College of Health Sciences in 2009.


Source: Office of Institutional Research/UDEW

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