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2005-06 Through 2009-10

  2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
UNIVERSITY TOTAL 4,678 4,575 4,591 4,742 4,497
Associate's Degrees 77 162 188 195 254
Bachelor's Degrees 3,683 3,416 3,500 3,569 3,361
Master's Degrees 696 773 695 727 652
Doctorates 222 224 208 251 230
College of Agriculture & Natural Resources
Associate's Degrees 1 1 1 2 1
Bachelor's Degrees 164 141 162 153 142
Master's Degrees 39 54 57 48 46
Doctorates 9 3 9 5 1
College of Arts & Sciences1
Associate's Degrees 76 160 187 178 244
Bachelor's Degrees 1,750 1,549 1,586 1,564 1,443
Master's Degrees 179 208 194 175 140
Doctorates 102 102 100 127 82
Alfred Lerner College of Business & Economics2
Bachelor's Degrees 565 598 557 766 729
Master's Degrees 186 196 164 191 172
Doctorates 3 3 2 7 2
College of Earth, Ocean, & Environment3
Bachelor's Degrees -- 8 8 9 35
Master's Degrees 10 10 10 10 11
Doctorates 9 7 6 18 14
College of Education & Public Policy
Associate's Degrees 0 1 0 15 9
Bachelor's Degrees 580 503 547 410 345
Master's Degrees 185 202 174 183 171
Doctorates 40 43 43 39 43
College of Engineering4
Bachelor's Degrees 205 238 238 231 224
Master's Degrees 70 68 60 63 66
Doctorates 59 65 48 49 52
College of Health Sciences
Bachelor's Degrees 419 379 402 436 443
Master's Degrees 27 35 36 57 46
Doctorates5 0 1 0 6 36

1The Fashion and Apparel Studies Department moved to the College of Arts and Sciences in 2010. The School of Urban Affairs and Public Policy reported to the Office of the Provost, but organizationally was included in the College of Arts and Sciences in 2010.
2The Hotel, Restaurant & Institutional Managment Department and the Sport Management/Sport Managment Interest Program moved to the Alfred Lerner College of Business & Economics in 2008 and 2010, respectively.
3The Geology Department and the Geography Department moved to the College of Earth, Ocean, & Environment in 2006 and 2009, respectively.
4The Computer Science Department and the Energy and Environmental Policy Program moved to the College of Engineering in 2010.
5The Physical Therapy Department moved to the College of Health Sciences in 2009.

Note: Graduation terms defined by federal IPEDS standards (July 1 through June 30).

Source: Office of Institutional Research/UDEW

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