Pay Stub
Employees can view their electronic pay stub on the web at UD Web Views .
Employees will need to log on using the information requested. This program offers employees twenty-four hour
access to their paycheck data. In addition, pay history will be available on-line back to January 2002.
If you want to review or print your pay stub, you will now be able to do so from work or home. A printer-friendly
version is available on the Pay Stub View. Select the date of the pay stub you want to print, then click on
the "print-friendly (pdf format)" link. This PDF format will allow you to print a "full" version of your paystub from any browser, i.e., Mozilla, Firefox, Internet Explorer. Please note that once the print-friendly (pdf format) is chosen and you have printed your copy, the BACK button must be used to return to Pay Stub View. You must return to properly log out of Web Views.