Amy Sebring: Welcome to the EIIP Virtual Forum Round Table! Amy Sebring: Today we are pleased to welcome EIIP Partner, IEMSA, the International Emergency Management Students Association. Amy Sebring: A couple of quick reminders for any first timers with us today... Amy Sebring: The session will consist of about fifteen minutes of introduction and overview, and then we will open it up to audience participation. Amy Sebring: If a URL is displayed in the chat window, it will appear blue. If you click on it, it will open the linked Web page in your browser window. Amy Sebring: After the first one, the window may not come to the top automatically, and be hidden behind your chat screen. Use the buttons on your status bar to bring the browser window forward. Amy Sebring: After the presentation, we will have time for questions, comments and audience discussion. We will go over the procedure at that time. Amy Sebring: We are pleased to welcome back Dan Robeson, Vice President of the organization and EM student at the University of North Texas, due to graduate December 2000. Amy Sebring: Dan has also participated in a number of internships in the field of emergency management, including a six-week internship this past summer at the Emergency Management Institute for FEMA's Higher Education Project. Amy Sebring: Welcome Dan, and will you please begin by introducing the other members here today. Dan Robeson: Thanks Amy. We are very excited to have the opportunity to tell people about IEMSA, the International Emergency Management Student Association. IEMSA has been growing rapidly in the last year and proving to be a great asset to students interested in the field. Dan Robeson: First off, I would like to thank EIIP for all the time they have spent with us at IEMSA, helping us to spread the word of our association. Also, I would like to welcome Erik Lowman, who I see is with us today. Erik is the President of IEMSA and the person who has made IEMSA so successful. Glad you could be here Erik! Dan Robeson: IEMSA was established several years ago at the Institute of Emergency Administration and Planning at the University of North Texas, and has since proven to be a great service to Emergency Management students. IEMSA at UNT has done a variety of activities furthering students' involvement in the field. Dan Robeson: IEMSA has organized speakers from both the private and public sectors to inform students on which jobs are available and what the current issues and trends are in the field. IEMSA has also given the students exposure to the Emergency Management field by organizing events for students and Alum to attend. Dan Robeson: This has been a great opportunity for both students and alumni to converse and improve their networks. Dan Robeson: We have also served as an interface between students and volunteer agencies that work with Emergency Management, helping students get hands-on experience before graduating. Above all, IEMSA has united the students in this degree program and given them a voice. This unified voice is helping the students and the program accomplish their goals together. Dan Robeson: As our association has grown at North Texas, we have seen the great benefits an association for emergency management students can have for students. Dan Robeson: This is why late in the semester last spring, Erik Lowman, our IEMSA President came to our Executive board meeting with a proposal to expand IEMSA to other schools with programs like the one at North Texas. Dan Robeson: Since that day, we have been all been working hard to expand IEMSA, generate new Chapters, and most of all, link emergency management students. This can only help students become more aware and involved with the current issues in Emergency Management. Dan Robeson: Just since last spring we have heard from many schools and students around the world that are interested in uniting students in the field. The first new IEMSA chapter to join North Texas was formed just recently by our friends at Arkansas Tech. They already have growing emergency management program with a large group of interested students and faculty. Dan Robeson: There are also a few more schools that are planning to officially become IEMSA chapters later this year. If students exist in programs that do not already have a student association, IEMSA can help them create one. Dan Robeson: Through meetings and information exchange we hope to form better relationships with other students so we can gain knowledge about other programs and projects students are working on. Eventually, we would like to organize trips to meet other chapters and possibly work on Emergency Management service projects together. Dan Robeson: We would also like to raise funding for scholarships for students to attend Emergency Management conferences together so that they would have a better understanding of contemporary trends in the field. Dan Robeson: IEMSA is also currently broadening its scope to become more involved with other groups in the Emergency Management field. We have been working with EIIP and IAEM (International Association of Emergency Managers) to ensure more involvement and to promote awareness of other Emergency Management Associations. Dan Robeson: As IEMSA develops new chapters and relationships, it is becoming a great resource for students in Emergency Management. If you are interested more in IEMSA, we have a new webpage we are working on at or contact us at Dan Robeson: If we can link these students of like goals, the opportunities are endless. This is why the current members of IEMSA would like to invite all students and programs around the world to join us in uniting the students of Emergency Management. Thank you all for joining us today! Amy Sebring: Thank you Dan for the overview. We will now give the audience an opportunity to ask questions or give comments, however... Amy Sebring: please first enter just a question mark to indicate you wish to contribute, prepare your comment, but wait until you are recognized by name... Amy Sebring: then either hit the Enter key or click on the Send button. We will take comments in the order the question marks are submitted. We are ready to start now. Amy Sebring: I would like to take this opportunity ... Amy Sebring: to welcome all the ATU students here with us today ... Amy Sebring: and Dr. Mary Ann Rollans ... Amy Sebring: can one or more of you tell us about plans for ATU chapter this coming year? Roger FreemanATU: ? Amy Sebring: Roger please. Avagene Moore: ? Roger FreemanATU: Yes, we had a meeting last week to talk about election of officers. Roger FreemanATU: We plan on an election in Nov. Amy Sebring: That does sound like one of the first orders of business Roger! Amy Sebring: Avagene please. Avagene Moore: Dan or Erik: How many chapters make up IEMSA at the moment? Also, do you charge a fee for membership or have other means of support? Erik Lowman: ? Amy Sebring: Go ahead Erik... Amy Sebring: you don't have to put in the question mark to respond Erik. Erik Lowman: We currently have 2 chapter right now. The UNT Chapter IEMSA has a $10 membership fee. Amy Sebring: ? Jane Kushma: ? Amy Sebring: Do you have any specific activities planned at UNT chapter this year Erik? Mary Ann Rollans: Mary Ann Rollans? Brady Davis ATU: You can check out the ATU chapter's website Dan Robeson: We have a variety of programs we are working on at UNT this year... Erik Lowman: We sponsored UN Disaster Day here at UNT, and we have had a certification class. We are also having a UNT Alumni BBQ sponsored by IEMSA.... Erik Lowman: to give IEMSA student a chance to network with alumni Amy Sebring: Jane please. Jane Kushma: Could you say something about the kind of service projects you envision? Erik Lowman: We envision IEMSA as more grass roots organization. Erik Lowman: We are still trying to come up with service projects Avagene Moore: ? Amy Sebring: Maybe we can come up with some suggestions! Amy Sebring: Dr. Rollans please. justindrittler_atu: ? Mary Ann Rollans: Yes, we are very excited about our new chapter and the prospects for student involvement. Mary Ann Rollans: We have a trip to the annual IAEM conference in Nov. as our first project. Amy Sebring: We are glad to hear that your program is doing so well at ATU! Amy Sebring: IAEM Conference in Louisville? Mary Ann Rollans: I am fortunate to have Jeff Hartle on board as our visiting professor and sponsor of the group. Amy Sebring: Great. Avagene please. Avagene Moore: Have you considered working with your respective state associations and national associations? Would be good visibility and possibly help with service and networking. Dr Rollans' comments on IAEM speaks well for ATU outreach. Mary Ann Rollans: He is driving a van to Louisville for the IAEM conference . Amy Sebring: Erik, or Dan, any work with EMAT for example? Jon Kavanagh: ? Mary Ann Rollans: Our students will also be working with area school districts in developing emergency plans. WE are sponsoring a 3-dauy workshop on emergency preparedness for schools. Erik Lowman: Yes, I think working closely with state and national associations is very important. We have plans to work more with EMAT and a North Texas Alumni association Amy Sebring: Justin please. Amy Sebring: ? justindrittler_atu: I am working with Jeff Hartle on a project for College Dormitory Fire Safety. It is called Get out and Stay alive. It is sponsored by the USFA Amy Sebring: thanks Justin, there are probably no end of opportunities Amy Sebring: Jon please. Billy Zwerschke: ? Jon Kavanagh: You have accessibility to non-EMA students; how has their response been to helping prepare for disasters, Jon Kavanagh: and how about their response to working with Project Impact, or as part of CERT, etc...? Erik Lowman: Dan, would you like to take this one? Dan Robeson: We are planning on working with a Project Impact community in the near future... Jon Kavanagh: ? Dee Beaugez: Dan, which community are you considering for your work with Project Impact? Dan Robeson: IEMSA does see working with other organizations as a must if we are to truly succeed. Mary Ann Rollans: ? Dan Robeson: We have been in touch with Ann Patton in Tulsa OK. Amy Sebring: if a new program wanted to find out more about establishing a chapter, what should they do? Erik Lowman: Email us at Amy Sebring: Is there info on your website? Dan Robeson: We have information on our website about how to get involved as well. Amy Sebring: ok thanks Amy Sebring: Billy, you are next please. Billy Zwerschke: Suggestion for the scholarship fund. Contact the local EMA and have them give you the names of industry and large business and work with them for funds to promote your organization. EMAT will have a board meeting next week and your organization will be brought up for support, I will talk to Walt Kelly about it. Erik Lowman: That would be great! Dan Robeson: Thank you very much. Amy Sebring: Dr. Rollans, I believe you are next. Mary Ann Rollans: I just wanted to compliment Dan Robeson on the fine presentation he gave on the student organization at the Higher Ed Summit at Emmitsburg this summer. He served as in intern along with one of our students, Ryan Houston. Erik Lowman: Billy, that kind of support would be beneficial to all IEMSA Chapters. Dan Robeson: Thank you very much! I had a great time at my internship, and was glad to meet all of you. Amy Sebring: Great, it sounds like Dan has been working on communication skills, a big plus. Amy Sebring: Other questions, comments, suggestions? Roger FreemanATU: ? Amy Sebring: Roger please. Jon Kavanagh: ? Roger FreemanATU: Working with other groups is a must for any Emergency Manager. Amy Sebring: Jon please. Amy Sebring: ? Jon Kavanagh: Has anyone had experience with student populations, in preparing for disasters? Seems that a Fraternity with 40 guys would be a great asset to have on your "can call" list, or as part of a CERT, etc... ? Roger FreemanATU: I work as an Emergency Planner for a Nuclear Plant and we have to deal with many groups on a daily basis. Billy Zwerschke: Goodbye everyone, have to go. Nice presentation. Erik Lowman: That is a great idea. Erik Lowman: We are planning on working on school plans Erik Lowman: Community schools and here at UNT justindrittler_atu: ? Amy Sebring: I would like to challenge the students to drum up some EIIP pledges! Perhaps have a contest between UNT and ATU! Erik Lowman: It would be good to learn and help the community as a service project too. Amy Sebring: Justin please. Roger FreemanATU: ? Dan Robeson: That sounds like a good idea Amy. Nothing like a little healthy competition. justindrittler_atu: We are having a School Safety Seminar at Tech next week and the assignment for it will be to go to a school and make an emergency response plan for them. Amy Sebring: Looks like a good area to share ideas in. Roger please. Roger FreemanATU: We have talked about doing some community projects, but first order is to elect officers. Erik Lowman: That is what UNT Chapter is in the process of setting up. Avagene Moore: ? Amy Sebring: Avagene please. Avagene Moore: Do you have regular communication between the chapters and individual members? How? Erik Lowman: At the Chapter level, we have weekly meetings...... Dan Robeson: We are planning to meet for the first time on EIIP this coming Friday. Erik Lowman: That will be with all the chapters together Amy Sebring: Oh!! Amy Sebring: Have you set up a time Dan? Dan Robeson: No, we have been talking back and forth with ATU for the best time and I need to set up a time for Friday if available. Amy Sebring: Friday is good. Just let us know when. Erik Lowman: Thanks Amy Amy Sebring: ? Dan Robeson: Will do. I'll get back to you on that. thanks Amy Sebring: Dan, Erik, now that you have done this one time, can I put you on the spot and ask if you might be interested in hosting an IEMSA Round Table in future once in awhile? Dan Robeson: Sure! Amy Sebring: We had discussed the possibility of trying to get some speakers in topic areas of interest. Erik Lowman: That would be excellent! Amy Sebring: Ok, good Dan and Erik. Dan Robeson: I rather enjoy it, and we would love to participate. Amy Sebring: We will look forward to it, especially as your association grows. Amy Sebring: Have you had any international inquiries? Erik Lowman: We do too. Amy Sebring: I think you mentioned something about it? Erik Lowman: Well, there is a Disaster Concerns Society in the UK that we have a communications networks with Dan Robeson: We have had one of our students meet with Charles Sturt in Australia about a possible relationship as well. Erik Lowman: Yes. Amy Sebring: Great. Amy Sebring: We have time for a couple of more comments, suggestions? Brady Davis ATU: ? aheffron: I Think one of the Profs here at FSU is going to make this transcript required reading for her EM students Roger FreemanATU: We would like to say thanks for allowing us to join IEMSA. Amy Sebring: Thanks Audrey. Are you thinking of starting a chapter there? Erik Lowman: Thank you Roger! Dan Robeson: We are so glad you have joined us! Avagene Moore: ? Amy Sebring: Avagene Roger FreemanATU: What about Brady? aheffron: I am not sure what is currently in place - but right now I do not have much contact with student orgs Amy Sebring: oops Brady Davis ATU: Erik, what information do you have about possible IEMSA national officers? Amy Sebring: I missed Brady. Avagene Moore: Just wanted to point out that Jane Kushma is with us from Univ of TN at Chattanooga. Heading up new 4 year degree program in EM. Erik Lowman: Well, let me type for a sec........... Jane Kushma: Thanks Avagene... we're hoping to have student participation with IEMSA soon. Amy Sebring: Yes, while Erik is typing, glad to have Jane back with us. Erik Lowman: We will have an International Committee. And on it each chapter will have one rep on the committee.... Dee Beaugez: Thanks for the great update Dan, Erik, Amy and Avagene! Erik Lowman: And the committee with the elect a committee chair to coordinate meeting, but it will always be a team effort. Erik Lowman: Does that answer you question? Brady Davis ATU: yes Amy Sebring: ? Frank Livingston: I am new at this but our members need to get more involved in the planning stages of disasters instead of just responding to them. Amy Sebring: I would like to say that we at EIIP are looking forward to supporting the association in anyway we can ... Amy Sebring: and that it is fun for a couple of grandmothers to work with some young people! Amy Sebring: It is great to see fresh enthusiasm in the business, and you are the future. Avagene Moore: Most definitely! Amy Sebring: Any other last comments from anybody? Dan Robeson: Thanks Amy, you are both great to work with, and we really appreciate your continued support. Amy Sebring: Thank you Dan and Erik, and we at EIIP are looking forward to working with you in the future. Erik Lowman: I second that! Roger FreemanATU: We should provide links from each others homepages. Amy Sebring: Thanks to all the students who joined us today. Rick Tobin: You never know so much you can't learn from new voices in the field. Amy Sebring: A couple of announcements ... Amy Sebring: First, as you can see, Avagene has made it safely back from her European jaunt... Amy Sebring: and I am VERY glad to have her back with us! Amy Sebring: We would like to acknowledge a new pledge received since last week, Joanne McGlown from Jacksonville (FL) State University. Amy Sebring: //bell Thanks Joanne! And thanks to the several pledgers who are with us today. Amy Sebring: That brings us up to 74 pledges. If you have not pledged to join us at least once per month, we hope you will consider doing so. See for further info. Amy Sebring: We hope to have some student pledges to reach our goal of 100! Amy Sebring: Tomorrow we will have a session in the Classroom with Steve Borth, Training Specialist with FEMA's Emergency Management Institute. He is looking at developing a training course for Special Events/Mass Gatherings planning ... Amy Sebring: and we will have some members of a Task Force he has assembled to provide input with us. Of course we are hoping for your input as well. Please see the background page at for a list of discussion questions. Amy Sebring: Next Tuesday's Round Table will be Libbi Rucker-Reed and we are very excited to have her. She will also have other representatives from FEMA Region IV, to talk about sharing ideas and info between state professional associations. Amy Sebring: We will adjourn the session for now, but as always, you are welcome to stay a little for open discussion. Thank you all. Frank Livingston: Folks, I am in the process of putting together our newsletter that will go out to the 10,000 nationwide members of the national Fire Academy Alumni Association and if anyone would like to submit something please send it to and we will see if we have room.