Amy Sebring: Welcome to the EIIP Virtual Forum! Amy Sebring: Background information for today's session may be found at . Amy Sebring: We will have a presentation for about thirty minutes, and then have audience Q&A for the last thirty minutes. We will review the instructions for Q&A as we are about to begin that portion. Amy Sebring: If you are with us for the first time, please note that URL's are active links... Amy Sebring: and if you click on them, the page will load in your browser window. Amy Sebring: If you have been following events associated with hurricane Floyd, you can understand that folks in Florida are pretty busy at the moment, and are unable to join us today. I have picked up some relevant information from the media and situation reports. Amy Sebring: This apparently is the largest evacuation ever attempted. As of yesterday evening, for the state of Florida alone, 169 general shelters were occupied by 23,783 persons, and an additional 35 special needs shelters were caring for 4,053 individuals. Amy Sebring: We are pleased to have with us two individuals to talk about their experience with the Hurricane Shelter Identification study in the states of Louisiana and Mississippi ... Amy Sebring: first, we are happy to welcome back Dr. Marc Levitan, Acting Director of the Hurricane Center at Louisiana State University (LSU) and Associate Professor of Civil Engineering. Amy Sebring: If you were with us last week, Marc shared his research on wind hazards for chemical plants. In preparing for that session, we learned that Marc has been involved with the Hurricane Shelter Identification study for the state of Louisiana, and we have asked him to tell us about it today. Amy Sebring: Also joining us from the state of Mississippi is Andy Crawford, Hurricane Program Manager for the Mississippi Emergency Management Agency, to tell us about their experience with the study. Amy Sebring: Welcome to you both gentlemen, and Marc, we will begin with you please. Marc Levitan: Thank you Amy Marc Levitan: Hurricane Shelter Assessment Marc Levitan: The origin of the shelter assessment program was a cooperative effort by the State of Louisiana Office of Emergency Management and other Gulf Coast state emergency management agencies. Together, the state agencies approached FEMA requesting financial support for the development of comprehensive evaluation criteria for use in selecting hurricane shelter locations. Marc Levitan: Funding was provided to Gulf Coast states to support the development and use of hurricane shelter assessment guidelines. The State of Florida in cooperation with University of Florida's School of Building Construction, prepared a detailed hurricane shelter site evaluation worksheet and guide (1997). Marc Levitan: The worksheet reflected requirements of the American Red Cross Guidelines for Mass Care and Guidelines for Hurricane Evacuation Shelter Selection. The site evaluation worksheet considers 15 key aspects related to life safety issues. Marc Levitan: In 1997, the Louisiana Office of Emergency Preparedness contracted with Prof. John Pine (LSU Institute for Environmental Studies) and I to perform a shelter assessment for the state. Marc Levitan: Between January and March 1998, a series of "Hurricane Shelter Selection" workshops were conducted by LSU faculty for Louisiana's state and local emergency management officials. The workshops were to introduce local officials to the state's hurricane shelter assessment process and selection criteria. Marc Levitan: The Louisiana shelter task force along with staff from the Louisiana Office of Emergency Preparedness analyzed the wind and storm surge risks associated with a Gulf Coast hurricanes. Marc Levitan: Parishes in the northern half of the state were considered less vulnerable to the storm surge and winds associated with hurricanes than parishes in the southern half of the state. As a result, the initial assessment of hurricane shelters in the state was to take place in the southern half of Louisiana (see Figure 1). Marc Levitan: Marc Levitan: Parishes in the southern half of the state were categorized as either "at risk" or host parishes. Parishes in the "at risk" zone would be subject to greatest winds and storm surge from Gulf of Mexico hurricanes. Marc Levitan: The Louisiana hurricane emergency response plan calls for an evacuation of the population in a category 4 storm if the parish lies in the path of the storm. For "at risk" parishes, hurricane shelters could be opened if the tract of the storm did not place the parish in the most severe storm surge and wind from the hurricane. Marc Levitan: ASSESSMENT METHODOLOGY Marc Levitan: Assessments consisted of site visits, plan reviews (when plans were available), facility walk downs, and reviews of flooding and hazmat threats. Information was gathered in 15 key areas relating to life safety issues. Marc Levitan: Table 1: "Hurricane Shelter Evaluation Criteria," lists the major categories addressed on the hurricane shelter assessment form. Marc Levitan: Marc Levitan: All of this information was compiled on a long series of worksheets, and then summarized on a "shelter compliance form." Each of the 15 criteria were assessed as either "preferred," "acceptable," or "marginal." Numerous technical factors were considered in determining the rating for any one of the major evaluation components. Marc Levitan: Ratings initially developed by Florida were modified somewhat for local conditions by Louisiana State Office of Emergency Preparedness staff and used in the evaluation of shelters in Louisiana. Marc Levitan: The ratings were composed of three categories including "preferred," acceptable," and "Marginal. A "Preferred" rating is one in which the site exceeds the evaluation criteria; an "acceptable" rating indicates that the site meets the evaluation criteria; a "marginal" evaluation is the least acceptable category. Marc Levitan: The "marginal" rating suggests that there are problems with the site that may be corrected; the rating could also mean that while some parts of the structure are not suitable some areas within the site are appropriate for use as a hurricane shelter. Marc Levitan: Since opening shelters is a local government emergency management function, participation in the shelter assessment project was voluntary. A total 26 out of 34 parishes in the study area participated in the hurricane shelter assessment project. The total number of shelters evaluated in these parishes was 188 sites. Marc Levitan: As a part of the shelter assessment process, a report was provided to each parish participating in the project. The feedback included the summary compliance form, which summarized the structural evaluation of each site as a hurricane shelter. Marc Levitan: The report included maps showing the relative location of shelters to flood zones, sites with hazardous materials and storm surge areas to category 4 storms. Local officials used the shelter assessment reports in their final selection of shelters to be used in the event of a hurricane. Marc Levitan: SHELTER CHARACTERISTICS AND STUDY USEAGE Marc Levitan: Most of the shelters were found to have deficiencies in several of the 15 categories. Some of these are much more critical than others. Marc Levitan: For example, very few shelters had backup power, which is not necessarily an immediate threat to life safety, except in cases of special needs evacuees which may need powered medical equipment. Marc Levitan: A deficiency in construction type/load path or building condition would present a much more serious threat. Some of the most serious problems found were related to fenestration (window and door protection) and exterior wall construction. Marc Levitan: Technologies for providing safe, impact resistant windows are just coming on line, in the wake of Hurricane Andrew-led changes in South Florida building codes. The Texas Dept of Insurance has also fostered building code changes in coastal counties, requiring impact resistant glass or shutters. Marc Levitan: These new technologies will hopefully provide opportunities for retrofits and new construction for buildings with dual use as shelters. Marc Levitan: During Hurricane Georges, parish emergency managers had the results of the shelter studies to use in determining which shelters to open. Marc Levitan: A detailed survey of shelters opened and not opened revealed that as a group, the shelters which were opened had higher ratings than those not opened. Marc Levitan: This hopefully indicated that the parish emergency managers made use of the shelter survey data there were provided with. Marc Levitan: Summary Marc Levitan: The evaluation of shelters in the parishes was an attempt to identify the best sites available sites. Marc Levitan: It appears to have had a positive impact in the one trial use it has had. Marc Levitan: The state and several parishes are continuing to work with LSU on several additional projects Marc Levitan: These projects are in the areas of special needs shelters, and additional shelters for at risk parishes. Amy Sebring: Thank you Marc. Next we turn to the state of Mississippi and Andy Crawford. Welcome Andy. Andy Crawford: Thanks Amy, please bear with me folks, this is my first time. Andy Crawford: In Mississippi we decided to get as much out of the grant as possible, improving our overall shelter status as much as much as we could will the dollars available. Andy Crawford: The amount of money we received was too small to hire an engineering firm to evaluate all of our shelters in our 13 county "at-risk" area, so we decided to develop a Shelter Evaluation Guide for use by locals to basically determine if their shelters are safe Andy Crawford: As has been the experience in our state, ALL shelters become hurricane evacuation shelter during these events, we decided to attempt to evaluate all our shelter. Andy Crawford: However, we thought that since shelters were used for purposes other than Hurricane evacuation, we decided to expand and evaluate for the purpose for which the shelter may be used, having different standards for different uses. Andy Crawford: The thought was that a shelter on the coast may be unsafe as a Hurricane Evacuation Shelter, but may be totally fine for a HAZMAT incident during February. Shelter space is too difficult to find to not use what is available if safe for the event. Andy Crawford: So we gave the Geology Department at the University of Mississippi a contract to 1) develop a shelter evaluation guide based on the ARC, FEMA and Florida information 2) train locals on how to use the Guide and background info flood plains, building construction, etc. and then 3) based on the info provided back by the locals, develop a statewide GIS data base of shelters. Andy Crawford: Each shelter is evaluated as 1) Hurricane Evacuation Shelter 2) HAZMAT shelter 3) Flood and 4) Other. The Guide is 9 pages, and based on the numeric value it receives is rated as either PREFERRED, ACCEPTABLE, MARGINAL OR UN-USABLE. Andy Crawford: Aspects of the shelter evaluated include: 1) Habitation needs 2) Fire and Life Safety needs, 3) Building condition 4) Inundation hazards and 5) Wind hazard. Andy Crawford: During July and August approximately 80 local emergency managers, ARC and Dept. of Human Services personnel were trained throughout the state and we hope to be receiving feedback on the evaluations shortly. Andy Crawford: During the training we stressed CORRECTING identified problems with the shelters! Andy Crawford: It ain't perfect, but we think, over time, this will lead to an overall improvement in our shelter posture. Andy Crawford: That' what has happened in Mississippi. Amy Sebring: Thank you Andy. We will now take questions from the audience. If you have a question or comment, please indicate by inputting a question mark (?) to the chat screen. Then compose your question but hold it until you are recognized; then hit Enter or Send. Amy Sebring: Please indicate to whom your question is addressed, Marc or Andy. First question please? Amy Sebring: While folks are thinking, Andy, when do you expect to have your evaluation completed? Is there a deadline for example? Warren Vaughn: ? Marc Levitan: ? Andy Crawford: No deadline, each county has to set their own pace, hopefully in a year it will be complete. Amy Sebring: Warren please. Warren Vaughn: Andy, is your guide available to out of state folks? Andy Crawford: Sure...we have no copyright. Warren Vaughn: Our local Red Cross just got axed and we have to take over the shelter program Amy Sebring: Andy, would you like to put up your email address for follow-up? Amy Sebring: Marc, go ahead please. Marc Levitan: Andy, Did you give a separate rating for each use (i.e., hurricane and hazmat?) Andy Crawford: Sure, Isabel McCurdy: ? Andy Crawford: Yes, we have totally different numbers for each category of shelter Amy Sebring: Isabel please. Isabel McCurdy: Andy, how does one gain a copy of the guide? Avagene Moore: ? Mark Sullivan: ? Amy Sebring: Please try email request Isabel. Amy Sebring: Avagene please. Andy Crawford: If you send me your E-mail, I'll try to E-mail a copy to you.. but it will be a couple of weeks. David Kauer: Andy, I would like to get a copy of your guide also ( even though I'm in the Upper Peninsula of MI, I think we can use some of your ideas. Avagene Moore: Since shelters across the country for whatever purpose are generally schools, etc, do you see a need to do this type of evaluation across the board, across the country? Andy Crawford: Never can tell when a CAT-4 will roll off the lake. Amy Sebring: Marc would you like to comment for Avagene please? Marc Levitan: A guide would likely be helpful for all states... Marc Levitan: but what is truly needed is a Design Guide... Amy Sebring: ? Marc Levitan: for new construction, which would allow dual use for a structure Marc Levitan: as a shelter for whatever... Marc Levitan: hazards are ca threat to that particular state. Amy Sebring: Marc, did you find a significant number of unacceptable shelters? Marc Levitan: Most of the buildings we surveyed... Marc Levitan: would have had at least one or more categories on the list of 15... Marc Levitan: which were rated marginal... Marc Levitan: The Original guide developed in Florida had the lowest ranking of unacceptable... Marc Levitan: but this ranking was changed to Marginal for the state of Louisiana... David Kauer: Marc, We have a number of Ammunition Bunkers from the old Kincheloe AFB, would these work as shelters with modifications for plumbing and feeding? Marc Levitan: due to the fact that codes and construction here are such that... Marc Levitan: nearly every building in the state would have been rated as unacceptable. Amy Sebring: Thank you Marc. Please go ahead with David's question. Marc Levitan: David... Amy Sebring: ? Marc Levitan: Is that the old SAC Base, and are those... Marc Levitan: bunkers ones that were designed for protection against bombardment? David Kauer: Marc, Yes I believe they are. Marc Levitan: If they are ok from a mass care perspective... Marc Levitan: I would imagine that they would be good for most anything then... Marc Levitan: except perhaps flooding. Amy Sebring: Marc, you mentioned that special needs shelters might require considerations such as backup power. One would expect local EM's to be encouraged to use the higher rated facilities for this. Did you find such in Georges, and Andy, can you comment if this is a component of your system? Marc Levitan: I think that Georges alerted... Marc Levitan: state and local officials that they have to spend more time addressing Marc Levitan: the special needs cases... Marc Levitan: and they are working on that right now... Andy Crawford: We did not address SNS in our evaluation...that's a whole different bag of issues Marc Levitan: I am working with two parishes and have been approached by the state for a new project... Marc Levitan: concerning specifically selecting buildings for special needs evacuees. Amy Sebring: ? Amy Sebring: Marc, you mentioned the fenestration ... Amy Sebring: are the problems noted ones that could be corrected without much difficulty? ... Amy Sebring: Have you found any attempts to do this? Marc Levitan: Replacing windows and doors... Marc Levitan: with impact resistant glazing, or ... Marc Levitan: providing shutters is possible... Marc Levitan: and cost varies tremendously. ... Marc Levitan: The best situations are if there are just a few which need to be protected... Marc Levitan: or, sometimes we just recommend protecting portions of the structure Marc Levitan: for example... Marc Levitan: Many school buildings have a straight interior corridor with classrooms on each side... Marc Levitan: If these classrooms have many windows, we often recommend... Marc Levitan: simply protecting the hallway for use as shelter space, and.. Marc Levitan: don't plan on using the classrooms. Of course, the hallway must be Amy Sebring: ? Marc Levitan: suitable. Although the hallways... Marc Levitan: are generally safer spaces, it does depend on the construction type and design details, and may not always be best. Amy Sebring: Marc, then Andy ... did/will your study survey capacity vs. expected need? And Marc, did you find as in FL that capacity was previously overestimated? Marc Levitan: We didn't exactly address that issue. However, we told the parishes that some of the buildings they were using... Marc Levitan: were inappropriate, and that they should only be using parts of others. ... Marc Levitan: Some parishes proceeded to look for other buildings then. ... Marc Levitan: But the general consensus is that New Orleans metro area is very short of true 'shelter' space, at best there is some... Marc Levitan: refuge of last resort space. Amy Sebring: Andy, shelter capacity? Andy Crawford: Nope, did not address, too much on the plate for that to, addressing separately. Amy Sebring: Thank you very much both Marc and Andy for being with us today, and thank you audience. We will have a text transcript posted later today, and a reformatted version early next week. You can access these via the Transcripts link under Quick Picks on our home page. Amy Sebring: Any final comment you would like to make Marc or Andy? Amy Sebring: Andy, you did fine for a first timer! Cissy Bonuz: Thanks everyone! Andy Crawford: Thanks, it was fun. Amy Sebring: Our time is about up, but before we adjourn, Ava will give us a heads up on our upcoming events. Ava? Avagene Moore: Thank you, Amy. Very interesting and timely topic today, Marc and Andy. We appreciate your time and effort today. ... Kevin Farrell: