Amy Sebring: Welcome to the EIIP Virtual Forum! Amy Sebring: We are in the Virtual Classroom today for Student Day. We have invited students and practitioners of emergency management to join us and hope to encourage both about the future of this profession. ... Amy Sebring: To assist us with this special event, we have invited speakers involved in various perspectives of our business to share some of their vision for the future and something about career potentials in the 21st century. .... Tim Murphy: Amy, what is on your program today ? Amy Sebring: Before introducing our speakers, a few words about features of this software for new audience members. When a URL is used in the discussion, it shows in blue; ... Amy Sebring: for example: . If you click on the URL, you will see the background page for today's session. It will come up in your browser window. ... Amy Sebring: (That should answer your question Tim ) Amy Sebring: If you lose the chat window, see the bar at the bottom of your screen with a coffee cup on it; click on it for your chat screen. ... Amy Sebring: If you lose your connection for some reason (it does happen!), just come back in as soon as you can. ... Amy Sebring: We do try to keep order in our discussions. Once our invited speakers are through, we will open up for Q&A and comments. I will give instructions for the Q&A portion of our session after the formal remarks. .... Amy Sebring: We ask that you not send any direct messages to our speakers during the formal part of our discussion --- that is very distracting. ... Amy Sebring: However, we want this to be enjoyable as well as informative --- Amy Sebring, EIIP Technical Projects Coordinator, is with us today also and will assist with our session with explanations of various fun features utilized today. I will call on Amy a little later. ... (me) Amy Sebring: We are very happy to have guest speakers today who represent the public and private sector as well as academia/research. Please help me welcome: ... Amy Sebring: Chip Hines, FEMA Preparedness Directorate, and long-time Partner and friend of the EIIP, who will deliver a statement from Kay Goss, Associate Director of the Preparedness Directorate. ... chip hines: My apologies... I was trapped outside the office. Needed USR! Amy Sebring: Brent H. Woodworth, Worldwide Segment Manager, IBM Crisis Response Team, IBM Global Services ... (we hope) Lindsey Burke: Sorry everyone ..i am back. Amy Sebring: (having some connection difficulties also) Amy Sebring: Butch Smith, Assistant State Coordinator, State of Texas Division of chip hines: Thank you Amy. Kay sends her regrets and asked me to deliver this message from her: ... Amy Sebring: just a moment chip Amy Sebring: Dr. Gary R.Webb, Disaster Research Center, University of Delaware ... Amy Sebring: Ok, now please Chip! chip hines: Thank you Amy. Kay sends her regrets and asked me to deliver this message from her: ... chip hines: Although I couldn't be with you today, I am glad to have the opportunity to help start today's discussion off. Those of you who are students in Emergency Management are our hope for tomorrow. We are proud of you and are glad you have chosen to enter this important profession... chip hines: We are also tremendously pleased to welcome those already affiliated with emergency management. The Preparedness Directorate's highest profile emergency management professional training initiative is the Higher Education Project... chip hines: Leading the continuing evolution and enhancement of the emergency management profession, our goal is to bring about the development of an emergency management degree program in every State by the year 2001. We need your help in extending this program and building it in each of your States... chip hines: We are also very anxious to establish higher education programs in those States that still do not have a program: Alaska, Connecticut, Idaho, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Mississippi, Montana, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Carolina, North Dakota, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Vermont, and West Virginia... chip hines: The daily problems we face today are much more complex and much different from those faced even a generation ago--economic growth and environmental changes have created new threats and tough challenges for our society... chip hines: New technologies bring an enormous variety of vulnerabilities and threats; population growth has placed more people in harm’s way; and the movement of people into the Sunshine States has placed them at greater risk to such hazards as earthquakes, tornadoes, hurricanes and wildfires... chip hines: We are building a new generation of emergency managers who can handle these new and increasingly complex threats... chip hines: To further this end, we started working with the academic community in 1995 to develop and promote emergency management degree programs on college campuses for future emergency managers. Some of you here today may be participating in the programs we have worked so hard to foster, and it reminds me that we have come a long way... chip hines: Twenty-nine colleges and universities now participate with emergency management degree programs and 26 more are either investigating the development of programs or are in the process of designing emergency management programs... chip hines: Ten schools have certificate, concentration or diploma programs in emergency management; 5 have associate degrees; 7 offer baccalaureate degrees; and 7 offer graduate degrees. An additional 14 colleges and universities are developing programs and another 12 are seriously investigating the development of emergency management programs chip hines: In FEMA, the Emergency Management Institute has developed five prototype college-level courses and has a dozen more in process... chip hines: We have attempted to develop courses that are engaging and scholarly and that will be accepted academically on college campuses across the country. We want each course to serve as an exemplar of the project and of emergency management... chip hines: Through the implementation of these courses in degree programs across the nation, we will continue to enjoy significant evolution in the profession of emergency management. Thank you for your attention, and I hope you enjoy today's session. Avagene Moore: Thank you, Chip. We appreciate Kay's remarks. ... Avagene Moore: And now, Brent Woodworth who works with IBM and their Crisis Response Team. Brent, do you have a message for emergency management students? Brent Woodworth: Thank you Ava, I fully agree with Chip... Brent Woodworth: We are seeing new opportunities for individuals with skills in Finance, Risk & Insurance, Business Operations and Government Partnership ... Brent Woodworth: The requirement for these skills in the Global market is expanding... Brent Woodworth: We have been approached by a number of countries that have asked for help in building an infrastructure to support disaster preparedness, prevention, response and recovery. (end) Avagene Moore: Thank you, Brent. I am sure some of the students will want to talk with you. Next we have Butch Smith, Assistant State Coordinator from the State of Texas Division of Emergency Management. Butch, what do you wish to share with our young people about the future of this business? Butch Smith: In the state of Texas, emergency management responsibilities are placed in the Division of Emergency Management which is a part of the TX Dept of Public Safety... Butch Smith: The Division currently has 88 positions assigned, with four of those being temporary... Butch Smith: These temporary positions are in our Disaster Recovery and Mitigation areas... Butch Smith: Specifically, two are Public Assistance Officers, one is a Mitigation Officer, and the other is an administrative position... Butch Smith: These temporary positions were created to help deal with the enormous workload associated with the three Presidentially declared flood events in Texas during 1998... Butch Smith: Of the 88 positions, all but 10 are located in our Austin headquarters... Butch Smith: The 10 field personnel include 9 Regional Liaison Officers (RLOs) stationed at DPS districts around the state and one planner at the Pantex plant in Amarillo... Butch Smith: In addition, the State of Texas has emergency management positions at the local level as well... Butch Smith: The Texas Disaster Act requires each county in the state to maintain an emergency management program or participate in an interjurisdictional program... Butch Smith: In addition it states "the governor shall determine which municipal corporations need emergency management programs of their own and shall recommend that they be established and maintained"..." Butch Smith: So, there are numerous career opportunities in Texas for emergency management graduates... Butch Smith: We have also hired emergency management students from the University of North Texas during summer months as interns... Butch Smith: . Thanks for the opportunity to participate in this forum, I will be available to answer any questions. Avagene Moore: Thank you, Butch. Dr. Gary Webb, Disaster Research Center, is with us. Gary, please share your perspective on emergency management opportunities in your field. Gary Webb: Thanks, Avagene. As always, it's a pleasure to be here. Gary Webb: I thought I might start by saying a few words about my own background. Then, I'll focus my remarks on what I see as two major educational opportunities for students interested in disasters and emergency management Gary Webb: By way of background, I received both my bachelor and master's degrees from the University of North Texas, which was the first school in the country to offer an undergraduate degree in emergency management. While my degrees are in sociology, I worked closely with faculty from the emergency management program there, and I still work with them today. Gary Webb: After finishing my master's degree at UNT, I came to the University of Delaware for a Ph.D. in sociology, focusing my research on social aspects of disasters. As a graduate student and now as a post-doctoral researcher I have worked at the Disaster Research Center (DRC) here at Delaware. For more than 35 years now the Center has studied organizational and community preparedness for, response to, and recovery from major disaster events. Gary Webb: Having said that, I'd like to now draw on some of my own experiences and talk about what I see as two of the major educational opportunities available to students today who are interested in the field. Gary Webb: First, students who are currently working on a bachelor's degree can choose to enter a graduate program that offers an applied degree or concentration in emergency management. Gary Webb: These kinds of degrees are often offered through departments of public administration or political science. So, for example, a student might get a Master of Public Administration with a concentration in emergency management. Gary Webb: Right now I think is a very good time to be looking for this kind of training because these programs seem to be popping up all around the country. And that's probably due in large part to the success of FEMA's Higher Education Project, which has as one of its goals to establish a college-level emergency management program in every state. Gary Webb: A second thing students can do is to enter a graduate program in some discipline (sociology, geology, public health, psychology, etc.) that would allow them to do research on disasters. As with the more applied track, these kinds of opportunities also seem to be expanding (and will likely continue to grow as long as funding agencies have an interest in disasters). Gary Webb: Students interested in these kinds of research opportunities can consider several major universities, including the University of Delaware, University of Colorado-Boulder, UCLA, Texas A & M, University of South Carolina, Penn State, Florida International University, George Washington University, and others. Gary Webb: It seems to me that whether a student has applied or research interests, there are plenty of educational opportunities available in the field today. And I'd be happy to answer any questions or provide any information I can to anyone interested. Avagene Moore: Thank you, Gary. We also have Dr. Wayne Blanchard with us today. Wayne, would you like to say a few words to our students? Wayne Blanchard: Just that hazards and disaster seems to be a growth business and I think we are really going to need to see a new generation of emergency managers. Avagene Moore: Wayne, thank you. Thanks to each of our speakers. .... Avagene Moore: I am sure your messages are encouraging to our students who will be looking for employment opportunities in the near future. .... Wayne Blanchard: If there are questions about the Higher Education Project here at FEMA I could try to provide answers. Avagene Moore: We will now open the floor to questions and comments from our audience. Please indicate whom your question is for and submit a question mark (?) to indicate you wish to speak. ... Avagene Moore: Compose and hold your question until you are recognized. First question, please. Don Campbell: ? Avagene Moore: Don, please. Don Campbell: Due to the fact that my college does not offer a degree in Emergency Management, does a degree in Public Administration decrease my chances for a position in the EM field? If so what can I do now to better my chances in the employment field? Amy Sebring: ? David Cramer: ? Gary Webb: ! Avagene Moore: Does anyone have an answer for Don? Butch? Brent? Louise Comfort: ? David Cramer: ? Brent Butch Smith: Let me try to respond to Don's ? Gary Webb: Don, although your school doesn't have a specific program... Louise Comfort: Response to Don's question Gary Webb: if you have some background or coursework in the field, you should be fine. Butch Smith: I would recommend you attempt to get some emergency management experience.. Gary Webb: MPA is a solid degree. Brent Woodworth: I do not believe Don's degree will limit his ability to work in the disaster mgt. field Wayne Blanchard: Public Administration degrees are quality degrees -- I would be interested in trying to get the school in question, if I knew which school it was and a point of contact, to try to add an emergency mgmt. track. Butch Smith: either by an intern program, or taking some course thru EMI if you can.. Avagene Moore: (Louise, please respond also.) Butch Smith: I firmly believe that "hands on" experience in a disaster goes a long way... Butch Smith: Obviously that is not always possible... Russell Coile: ? Louise Comfort: An MPA degree is a professional degree that encompasses many skills needed for emergency managers. Don can easily do course projects or specialized studies in this field. David Crews: Don, I would suggest the FEMA Home Study courses and Contact your State EM Training Officer for EM courses offered by your state. Butch Smith: In Texas we have a reservist program under which we hire temps to help during a disaster... Brent Woodworth: I agree with Butch, I look for practical experience combined with educational skill when hiring Butch Smith: from this temp list we often make permanent hiring decisions. Avagene Moore: OK. Amy, your question. Amy Sebring: Emergency management seems to me to be a field for generalists. What types of skills are most important? Avagene Moore: Is this to anyone in particular, Amy? Or to everyone? Amy Sebring: Anyone please. Wayne Blanchard: Response? Brent Woodworth: Organization, Project management, Finance, Negotiation, Management Avagene Moore: (Sure, Wayne.) Gary Webb: knowledge of research on disasters Wayne Blanchard: First of all traditional mgmt skills, with an emphasis on being able to coordinate, communicate, and cooperate... Wayne Blanchard: then an ability to think and do problem solving on one's feet -- crisis decision making... Wayne Blanchard: and an ability to empathize with those who suffer disaster and a desire to help those in need. Butch Smith: People skills are extremely important, also. Brent Woodworth: In the private sector traditional disaster management and consulting skills are being combined with risk management and insurance loss management skills Avagene Moore: David Cramer, your question please. David Crews: Planing, Programs, Communication, Training and Management skills David Cramer: Brent....please expand on "Government Partnership" Lindsey Burke: ? Brent Woodworth: Foreign governments and domestic are looking to develop increased levels of public and private partnerships... Brent Woodworth: This requires skills in understanding and working with a wide variety of government departments and regulations. Avagene Moore: Russell, you have a question or comment? Tricia Wachtendorf: ? Russell Coile: I agree with Butch and David... Russell Coile: to get experience to get your foot in the door for local govt. jobs... Amy Sebring: ? Russell Coile: Get experience be a Red Cross or Salvation Army volunteer... Amy Sebring: (-? ; never mind, that was my comment) Russell Coile: become an amateur radio operator, help in disasters. Join IAEM and start doing things you need Avagene Moore: Thank you, Russell. Lindsey, your turn. Russell Coile: to get to be a CEM. Avagene Moore: (Good suggestion, Russell.) Lindsey Burke: This is for anyone....Here at UNT, our program is filled with students from all backgrounds. From fresh college students (with no experience) to the already employed (some in EM fields) looking to better their already knowledgeable life skills. How can those fresh in college and about to graduate be rid of the anxiety of actually working in the field with people who have been their for years? Many of us feel like everything we are learning only gets us through school, even though we have been Lindsey Burke: working with the Red Cross and in the field as interns. Gary Webb: Lindsey... Gary Webb: all that coursework will come in handy some day... Gary Webb: just be confident in what you've learned and be open to new ideas. David Crews: The FEMA Disaster Assistance Employee (DAE) program is also a good way to get exposed to EM at the Federal Level. Many FEMA employees entered via the DAE route. A DAE is also known as a "reservist" Brent Woodworth: Participation in "intern" programs will allow you to gain the practical experience you need. Many companies and government agencies have such programs available. BJ: ? Isabel McCurdy: ? Avagene Moore: Tricia, your question. Tricia Wachtendorf: How does find these position openings, particularly in the private sector? Pawlowski: Joseph: Where are you from? Joseph: UNT Avagene Moore: Any suggestions for Tricia? Avagene Moore: Brent? Brent Woodworth: You can find opportunities by reading some of the major trade publications and attending conferences. . Gary Webb: what about government web pages? Brent Woodworth: You should also stay in contact with the major private sector service companies such as IBM, Comdisco, Sungard, etc. Butch Smith: In Texas we post our job openings on our Website. Avagene Moore: BJ Sibley, your question please. John Alston: Tricia, many private entities are advertising on the web and in Emergency Service Trade publications and web pages David Cramer: ? Butch BJ: Students, find a mentor, someone in the field who can help and guide you. Check with IAEM for someone in your area. Avagene Moore: Good suggestions all. Isabel. chip hines: FEMA has a section on our web page that is for jobs, and a link to other jobs in the EM field Isabel McCurdy: I am a Canadian Registered Nurse with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing and working on a Master's in Policy and Practice. Are opportunities for employment in United States limited given that I am a Canadian citizen? Larry: Larry? Tim Murphy: professional journals Avagene Moore: Any response to Isabel's question? Amy Sebring: A former intern in our Emergency Management office ... Amy Sebring: is Canadian and is now a City Manager here in Texas! freddie watt: ? Butch Amy Sebring: So I don't think that it is per se, however licensing issues will need to be considered. Tim Murphy: SCEPD has openings now and posts them on our web site. Avagene Moore: May require a work visa or something. Brent Woodworth: There are a significant number of international positions available in support of disaster preparedness and response. We currently do business in 62 countries and have hired many foreign citizens. Joseph: Are internships available in the private sector concentrating in the information infrastructure, particularly e-commerce? And suggestions where they can found? Avagene Moore: Next question, David Kramer. David Crews: Networking online with EIIP and other EM interest groups can also generate leads for employment opportunities. Tim Murphy: SC EPD has openings now and always posts them on our web site. David Cramer: Butch...surprised to see that LSU has no coursework in EM. How do you connect with Louisiana at the state level? Brent Woodworth: Yes to Joseph's question. Look to many of the computer industry companies. Butch Smith: Louisiana and Texas are both members of FEMA Region VI at Denton and we have at least annual contact... Butch Smith: We deal with them on numerous issues, such as disasters that happen on our borders. Avagene Moore: There are a couple more questions that we will have to take after the formal part of our program. If you will wait around we will try to answer them. We are running long with good discussion, folks. Amy, please share some fun ideas with us. Amy Sebring: Thanks Avagene. First I want to give a few instructions about the chat software that will help with networking ... Tim Murphy: South Carolina state government jobs are not limited to US citizens, but professional licenses may be needed. Amy Sebring: Please edit your User Profile as follows: Amy Sebring: Select your own name from the Users List and select User Profile. An edit window will open. Edit or complete the information and in the Hobby field, include Student, or your job ... Amy Sebring: Make sure a check mark is in each box for the info you want to share then scroll down and click on the Update Profile button to register your changes. This will help others identify your interests. Amy Sebring: Next, for those of you who haven't discovered Direct Messaging, just double click on the name from the User List to send a private message. Amy Sebring: We also have a Student Lounge room setup for informal conversation. Find where rooms are listed, scroll down and select Student Lounge [later!] Amy Sebring: Finally, you also have the option to set up a Private Room for conversation. Back where rooms are listed, there should be an option to create a private room. Amy Sebring: For example, at the end of today's session, I will create a private room called Amy, and if anyone would like to join me to chat about the Website or the EIIP, just select Enter Private Room and enter Amy at the prompt. Amy Sebring: I will be happy to talk with Joseph! Amy Sebring: Ok, next we would like to move on with our Cartoon Contest. We have eight entries. I will be putting up the Web addresses of where we have them loaded, then afterwards we will ask you to vote for your overall favorite. Amy Sebring: In our first category of Disasters/Emergencies, one submitted by Amy Sebring about the patron saint of emergency management ... Amy Sebring: Amy Sebring: This next one from Doug Ling takes awhile to load, but pertains to mitigation perhaps ... Amy Sebring: Joseph: Can any more questions be submitted? Amy Sebring: In our next category, computers, we have a couple of Y2K cartoons, first from Avagene ... Amy Sebring: Amy Sebring: and next, from John Neldeberg ... Amy Sebring: Amy Sebring: We have two entries in the Campus Life category submitted by UNT student, Jennifer Suter ... Amy Sebring: Amy Sebring: and funding is just one of those never ending occupational hazards ... Amy Sebring: Amy Sebring: In the miscellaneous category, this next from Avagene is a poke at our friends in the research biz ... Amy Sebring: Amy Sebring: and finally, we are getting close to tax time, at least that is what Kevin Farrell must have on his mind! Amy Sebring: Amy Sebring: Ok, now we would like to vote and this is how we will do it ... Amy Sebring: pick your favorite overall. Please vote only once. I will review the categories, and when you want to vote, use the graphic image for thumbs up which is near the bottom of the list of images ... Amy Sebring: or you can enter the text "//thumbsup" without the quote marks. We will tally and award the prize. Amy Sebring: Noah cartoon Amy Sebring: //thumbsup Amy Sebring: Calvin at the beach Lindsey Burke: Hold on Amy....they all haven't loaded yet. Amy Sebring: ok, holding John Alston: //thumbsup David Crews: Noah! Thumbs up! Amy Sebring: Ok, one for Calvin .. Amy Sebring: 2 for Noah Tricia Wachtendorf: Calvin thumbsup Amy Sebring: Cobol Barbie? Gary Webb: Calvin, thumbs up Isabel McCurdy: Calvin //check Gil Gibbs: Noah! Amy Sebring: 4 for Calvin Amy Sebring: 3 for Noah Russell Coile: Noah/thumbs up Amy Sebring: Barbie? Amy Sebring: ok 4 for Noah Amy Sebring: Y2K Suicide? BJ: Noah! Jennifer Suter: //thumbsup Lindsey Burke: //thumbsup Dan Robeson: //thumbsup Amy Sebring: 5 for Noah, 3 for Y2K chip hines: Noah //check Amy Sebring: 6 for Noah david mcmillion: //thumbsup Amy Sebring: ok Megalibrary? Amy Sebring: Which was that for David? david mcmillion: Noah Amy Sebring: ok 7 for Noah Amy Sebring: Financial Aid? AK Miller: Calvin Butch Smith: Need to log off to go to another meeting, the web site for Texas DEM is Amy Sebring: Thank you so much Butch. Gil Gibbs: Stupidopolis was ok... Amy Sebring: Experts? Amy Sebring: Snoopy's letter to the IRS Tim Murphy: Snoopy's IRS mailing list (if only we could).....THUMBS UP Avagene Moore: //thumbsup Rob McDaniel: //thumbsup Amy Sebring: And the winner is ... Amy Sebring: drum roll please ... Amy Sebring: Noah //first ! J Mesite: Stupidopolous should be popular with east coast Emerg Mngrs! Tim Murphy: clap...clap.....clap Jennifer Suter: Clap Clap Clap>>>>!! Gil Gibbs: I got a grin outta it, too.... //haha Amy Sebring: Now we promised you a little sun, sand and suds, but the best we can do is a virtual trip to the beach ... Avagene Moore: Good deal. Congratulations, Noah and Amy. Amy Sebring: Amy Sebring: Everyone, say AAaaaahhhhh! Tim Murphy: I've been looking for that hat every where! Isabel McCurdy: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Avagene Moore: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Amy Sebring: don't forget your .... Amy Sebring: //ball Gil Gibbs: Why does that look familiar???? //haha chip hines: //music //beer ahhhhhhhh! Amy Sebring: But when the sun goes down can be almost as nice ... Amy Sebring: Amy Sebring: (Not yet Chip, hold that thought) Tim Murphy: my list of images is not nearly as complete as some of yours! Amy Sebring: And to finish off that warm, relaxing day, some cool refreshment. (Your system will need to be configured to play .wav files for this next one.) Avagene Moore: Very nice. Rob McDaniel: Funny, that's the same view I have here at Florida State,............I wish! Amy Sebring: It will take a moment to load then hit play Amy Sebring: Gil Gibbs: Now, THAT looks familiar!!!.. //haha BJ: Amy, you're too cute!!! sdetwiler: hello all David Crews: Burp!!!! Amy Sebring: Fortunately there was no burping at the end of that! Amy Sebring: Well, or so I thought! Amy Sebring: Thanks David Crews! Amy Sebring: Before we turn you loose to chat, I would like to conclude this portion, on behalf of Avagene, myself, and all the EIIP partners ... Amy Sebring: to say, students, keep up the good work. We need you in the profession badly, and please join us anytime here in the Virtual Forum ... Amy Sebring: our regular sessions are every week, Tuesdays at 1: 00 PM Eastern for the Round Table, and Wednesdays at 12: 00 noon Eastern for our main weekly session ... Amy Sebring: Thank you for coming today, and please take this opportunity to introduce yourself, and to talk with the folks who are here.