Natural Disaster Prevention and the Media Prevention Begins with Information (Logo used with permission) |
October 14th Special Event Summary
World Disaster Reduction Day Online Transcript
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Press Kit Cover Letter
Online Press Kit
Download Press Kit (WP 8 File, 127 KB)
1998 IDNDR Internet Conference
Local Activities Guidelines
Photo Contest
IDNDR Home Page
1998 Conference Page: Natural Disaster Prevention and the Media
1997 Conference Page: Socio-Economic Impact of Water-related Disasters
1996 Conference Page: Solutions for Cities at Risk
IDNDR Background Info
SUMMARYEIIP Virtual Forum Special Event World Disaster Reduction Day Helena Molin Valdes
The overview of World Disaster Reduction Day began with a quote from a message from the Secretary General, Kofi Annan, of the United Nations Organisation. The session featured Helena Molin Valdes, Head, Latin America Unit in Costa Rica. Helena works for the UN IDNDR Secretariat, outposted in Costa Rica for the region of Latin America and the Caribbean. Helena stressed that the United Nations World Disaster Reduction Campaigns, organized by the IDNDR Secretariat, are designed to make people aware, world-wide, and across all professional and social sectors, of what they can do to protect their countries and communities from natural hazards. She pointed out that the theme of the campaign this year was to enhance a closer partnership with communicators for disaster reduction to hopefully reduce the impact of disasters. Helena's primary message was the necessity of social communicators/journalists working hand-in-hand with disaster managers to make any information strategy worthwhile and create public information that causes change of attitudes to bring about a prevention culture. The session attracted an international audience with participants from Canada, Sweden, Peru and, of course, Costa Rica, the guest speaker's location. Activities occurring simultaneously in Geneva and other parts of the world were conveyed to the audience as the Virtual Forum also celebrated World Disaster Reduction Day. The discussion was spirited and went on for a full hour and a half. * * * * |
PRESS KIT COVER LETTERAugust 1998 Dear Reader, You will find enclosed information material which is designed to aid your plans to contribute to this year's United Nations World Disaster Reduction Campaign. Each year, the campaign is based on a different theme. This year's theme is "Prevention begins with Information--Natural Disaster Prevention and the Media". The 1998 theme was chosen to address various communication issues in natural disaster prevention. Disaster prevention communication issues are discussed, in part, in the campaign press kit which you will find enclosed. They will also be discussed during the 1998 Internet Conference (28 September-18 October) at (instructions on how to participate are enclosed). Moreover, the 1998 theme is destined to enlist the media as working partners in promoting natural disaster prevention measures. With the help of the enclosed information material, the 1998 World Disaster Reduction Campaign is your opportunity to let people know what they can do to protect themselves from natural disasters and to establish partnerships with communication and media professionals to reach the widest audiences world-wide. Like every year, we encourage you to organize local activities with the help of our information material. A recap of the guidelines we produced earlier this year is enclosed. The World Disaster Reduction Campaign culminates with the celebration of World Disaster Reduction Day on 14th October 1998. Parallel events in New York and Geneva, with high level involvement of the United Nations will mark these celebrations. The Sasakawa Disaster Prevention Award (created to promote humanitarian efforts to assist those affected by natural disasters) will be presented to its winner. Information on these events will be made available to you in the course of September. The enclosed information is the following:
We look forward to working with you over the coming months and hope that the information provided to you will be of use.
Philippe Boullé
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1998 IDNDR INTERNET CONFERENCE1998 United Nations World Disaster Reduction Campaign Join the 1998 IDNDR Internet Conference! "Natural Disaster Prevention begins with Information"
To gather disaster prevention information and communicate it is a complex process involving disaster managers and scientists for proper substance of the topic AND communicators such as journalists and public information professionals to ensure the right messages reach the concerned audience. The challenge we face is to sell the validity of the disaster prevention message, to find the right communication tools, to formulate the right information at the right time in an appropriate language. To make progress and share experiences on these issues, the IDNDR has launched the 1998 World Disaster Reduction Campaign "Natural Disaster Prevention begins with Information". The Internet Conference will be organized jointly between the IDNDR Secretariat and the Peruvian Non-Governmental Organization Quipunet, as in previous years. Conference Agenda
Week 3. (12 Oct. - 18 Oct): Conference participants need to subscribe to a discussion list for active participation. The conference will also be available on a website ( To subscribe If you do not want to participate actively in the discussion you may follow the conference on the Web, where papers and input from the participants will be posted every day. Please visit the website of the Conference at the following location: A parallel forum will be held for the advertisement of projects, conference calls and any other issues which may want to be raised. A moderator will follow the discussion and make a sum-up by the end of each week. For more information, please contact: Quipunet is a Peruvian Non-Governmental
Organization which promotes learning through the Internet. It has been a
partner of IDNDR in the organization of the two previous conference on
the Internet organized in 1996 and 1997. More information about Quipunet
can be found at International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction (IDNDR), Palais des Nations, 1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland. Tel.(4122) 7986894; Fax: (4122) 7338695; Email: * * * * |
LOCAL ACTIVITIES GUIDELINES1998 United Nations World Disaster Reduction Campaign Local Activities Guidelines Natural Disaster Prevention and the Media
ü Compile information kits and success stories ü Hold a round table on natural disaster prevention and the media ü Make a list of useful contacts
ü Links to other sources of information * * * * |
PHOTO CONTEST1998 United Nations World Disaster Reduction Campaign Join the IDNDR 1998 International Photo Contest! Natural Disaster Prevention and the Media The IDNDR Secretariat is organizing an international photo contest. Send your best photo, black and white or color, to the IDNDR Secretariat by 30 September 1998 in the format of your preference (hard copy). Photo Contest Rules
Rewards The IDNDR Secretariat looks forward to receiving your material! Please send your photos to the following address:
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