Last Name | First Name | User ID | ECL.account | Porsche.Port | Porsche.client |
Andersen | Eric | eandersn | andersen | 8001,8101,8201 | subaru |
Arbaugh | Matthew | marbaugh | arbaugh | 8002,8102,8202 | subaru |
Beale | Rebecca | rbeale | beale | 8003,8103,8203 | subaru |
Becker | Graham | beckerg | becker | 8004,8104,8204 | subaru |
Brennan | Steven | srb | brennan | 8005,8105,8205 | subaru |
Ceresini | Joseph | joecere | jceresin | 8007,8107,8207 | suzuki |
Christian | Adam | reaper | christia | 8008,8108,8208 | suzuki |
Corbett | Matthew | cemscor | corbett | 8009,8109,8209 | suzuki |
Deschere | Peter | peterd | deschere | 8010,8110,8210 | suzuki |
Fahey | Chris | cjfahey | fahey | 8011,8111,8211 | toyota |
Fillo | Jason | jfillo | fillo | 8012,8112,8212 | toyota |
Furst | Anthony | afurst | furst | 8013,8113,8213 | toyota |
Furst | Christopher | cfurst | cfurst | 8014,8114,8214 | toyota |
Galya | Ashton | agalya | galya | 8015,8115,8215 | toyota |
Giglia | Salvatore | sgiglia | giglia | 8016,8116,8216 | nissan |
Grafinger | Jason | jasong | grafinge | 8017,8117,8217 | nissan |
Hermann | Brian | bhermann | hermann | 8018,8118,8218 | nissan |
Johnson | Brian | johnsonb | johnson | 8019,8119,8219 | nissan |
King | James | jcking | jking | 8020,8120,8220 | nissan |
Mataras | Philip | pmataras | mataras | 8021,8121,8221 | mazda |
Meehan | William | bmeehan | meehan | 8022,8122,8222 | mazda |
Meek | James | jlmeek | meek | 8023,8123,8223 | mazda |
Natchev | Stefan | snatchev | natchev | 8024,8124,8224 | mazda |
Novikova | Yana | jana | novikova | 8025,8125,8225 | mazda |
Okner | David | okner | okner | 8026,8126,8226 | hyundai |
Parise | Stephen | sparise | parise | 8027,8127,8227 | hyundai |
Park | Peter | ppark | park | 8028,8128,8228 | hyundai |
Peck | David | dpeck | peck | 8029,8129,8229 | hyundai |
Ruggiero | Charles | chazman | ruggiero | 8030,8130,8230 | hyundai |
Sheehan | Brian | bsheehan | sheehan | 8031,8131,8231 | honda |
Skogen | Jeremy | skogenj | skogen | 8032,8132,8232 | honda |
Sobona | Christopher | csobona | sobona | 8033,8133,8233 | honda |
Strobel | Tara | tstrobel | strobel | 8034,8134,8234 | honda |
Toy | Andrew | atoy | toy | 8035,8135,8235 | honda |
White | LaToya | toytoy | white | 8036,8136,8236 | acura |
Whited | Ryan | rwhited | whited | 8037,8137,8237 | acura |
Worrall | Graham | gworrall | worrall | 8038,8138,8238 | acura |
8041 8141 8241 group 1
8042 8141 8242 group 2
8060 8160 8260 group 20
8061 8161 8261 TA
8062 8162 8262 TA
8006 8106 8206 Instructor (student port)
8063 8163 8263 Instructor
8064 8164 8264 Instructor
8001-8005, 8101-8105, 8201-8205 forward to subaru
8006-8010, 8106-8110, 8206-8210 forward to suzuki
8011-8015, 8111-8115, 8211-8215 forward to toyota
8016-8020, 8116-8120, 8216-8220 forward to nissan
8021-8025, 8121-8125, 8221-8225 forward to mazda
8026-8030, 8126-8130, 8226-8230 forward to hyundai
8031-8035, 8131-8135, 8231-8235 forward to honda
8036-8040, 8136-8140, 8236-8240 forward to acura
8041-8043 8141-8143 8241-8243 forward to subaru groups 1, 2, 3
8044-8046 8144-8146 8244-8246 suzuki groups 4, 5, 6
8047-8049 8147-8149 8247-8249 toyota groups 7, 8, 9
8050-8052 8150-8152 8250-8252 nissan groups 10, 11, 12,
8053-8055 8153-8155 8253-8255 mazda groups 13, 13, 15
8056-8058 8156-8158 8256-8258 hyundai groups 16, 17, 18
8059-8061 8159-8161 8259-8261 honda groups 19, 20, TA
8062-8064 8162-8164 8262-8264 acura [TA and instructor use]