
Name Resin/Tomcat http Port Tomcat shutdown Port
Bhir, Ajey Ravindra 8001 8101
Caruso, Michael J. 8002 8102
Christoferson, Michael 8003 8103
Cole, Matthew Warren 8004 8104
Davis, Eric Scott 8005 8105
Diem, Chase Matthew 8007 8107
Elliott, Matthew Adam 8008 8108
Enzinger, Galan Blake 8010 8110
Galloway, Adam George 8011 8111
Gerfin, Geoffrey Danie 8012 8112
Guralnick, David Marcu 8013 8113
Haider, Habib A. M. 8014 8114
Kelebemang, Shimane Ma 8015 8115
Keyser, Lura A. 8016 8116
Koon, Matthew Philip 8017 8117
Lindsey, Shawn Michael 8018 8118
Little, Richard Eugene 8019 8119
Macko, Gregory Ross 8020 8120
Masedi, Raymond 8021 8121
McCloskey, Colin Antho 8022 8122
Molnar, Andrew Christi 8023 8123
Moon, John Clifton 8024 8124
Moore, David Troy 8025 8125
Mulford, David Allan, 8026 8126
Quimby, Graham Harris 8027 8127
Rashid, Nabeel Haroon 8028 8128
Ray, Brian Richard 8029 8129
Riaz, Umair 8030 8130
Rosario, Thomas Jason 8031 8131
Steijn, Peter Klaas 8032 8132
Toland, Wesley Clark 8033 8133
Vora, Aditya Bimal 8034 8134
Walker, Nicholas Allen 8035 8135
Weinberg, Michael J. 8036 8136
Wells, Kenneth Montgom 8037 8137
Wong, Allison Jennifer 8038 8138
Reserved 8041-8049,

Other Port Users

Name Role http port https port other
Phillip Conrad Instructor 8000
8100 8099: my_sql
Emily Gibson TA 8050 8150  
Paul Amer Auditor 8039 8139  
Bob Caviness Consultant

http: 8040, 8080 MySQL: 8109
testing 8066, 8106
reserved: 8006, 8009, 8140, 8166, 8180

Ports reserved for instructor and TA use  


Ports reserved for CISC474 group projects   8051-8065, 8067-8079
8151-8165, 8167-8179
Contact instructor to reserve

Updated 22-Feb-2005