Special Sessions

Summer Sessions

A variety of courses are offered during the Summer Sessions. Faculty are expected to teach in the summer sessions if requested to do so and will receive extra compensation unless summer teaching is specifically required in the faculty member's contract or unless the faculty member is otherwise fully supported during the summer months. Summer Session contracts are contingent upon sufficient enrollment in the course, that is, six graduate students or ten undergraduate students.

Winter Session

The Winter Session is a five-week academic period between the fall and spring semesters designed to provide students the opportunity to pursue a wide variety of new and experimental courses, regular courses, and international study programs. Faculty are required to be fully involved in University activities during each Winter Session, and all faculty, including those on twelve-month contracts, will be compensated on an overload basis for teaching. Winter Session contracts are contingent upon sufficient enrollment in the course, that is, six graduate students or ten undergraduate students.

Regular University policies on absence from campus hold during the Winter Session, and chairpersons and deans are responsible for workload assignments during this period.

  1. Teaching Load

    Summer Sessions: So that faculty have time to do research, they may only teach a maximum of two courses in one Summer Session. Faculty may direct supervised study only during the session in which they are teaching. Exceptions to this policy must be approved by the Provost.

    Winter Session: Faculty participation in Winter Session is optional. Faculty may receive additional compensation for teaching in Winter Session. Compensation may not exceed payment for two courses or its equivalent plus $360 for individual study. Faculty members may not receive additional payments for research during Winter Session. Each department is asked to provide a balanced offering of courses, projects, and independent study. (Rev. 1990, Office of the Provost)

  2. Travel

    Visiting Summer Session or Winter Session faculty who live more than 100 miles from the University of Delaware campus will be reimbursed for travel in the amount of the round-trip economy class plane fare from the individual's home. This travel allowance is for the faculty member only, for not more than one round trip, and for faculty teaching regular courses during the Summer Sessions or Winter Session who are not on the regular University of Delaware faculty. Approval from the Associate Provost for International Programs and Special Sessions is necessary prior to final contract arrangements with the visiting faculty member.

    Distinguished foreign faculty brought to the University for full-time teaching during Summer Sessions or Winter Session may be given one economy class round-trip fare in addition to the normal instructional stipend. All such recruitment must receive the approval of the Associate Provost for International Programs and Special Sessions in advance before an offer can be made.

    Regular University faculty traveling to off-campus sites in Delaware will be compensated according to the Continuing Education salary schedule.

    The University Policy on Faculty, Professional, and Staff Travel (Section III, Faculty Handbook) applies to all International Programs and Special Sessions domestic travel. Policies for travel abroad are available from the International Programs and Special Sessions Office since these are updated annually.

  3. Expendable Supplies for Experimental Courses and Projects

    Faculty teaching new and experimental courses (x67 designation) are eligible to apply for up to $500 to cover certain costs for the course such as travel, film rental, photocopying, special equipment, and honoraria. A portion of these funds may be allocated to cover student costs as well--$15 per student up to $300 per course. These funds may be used to subsidize student travel and supplies.

  4. Compensation

    Faculty members on academic year contracts may receive additional compensation for three months of summer work on sponsored research or summer teaching at a monthly rate not to exceed one-ninth of the base salary. The total compensation from all sources may not exceed three- ninths of the basic academic year salary for the summer months. Correspondingly, faculty on fiscal year contracts may receive additional compensation for one month of summer work on sponsored research at a rate not to exceed one-eleventh of the fiscal year salary.

    Faculty members receiving a full three-ninths summer compensation (one- eleventh for fiscal year contracts) have contracted for a full twelve month workload and have therefore forfeited vacation periods for that year (other than normal University holidays). Faculty members will be required to certify that they have not taken vacation during periods in which they are fully committed. Faculty taking vacation during such periods will be asked to refund applicable portions of their salary and related fringe benefits, and will be held personally liable for such disallowances resulting from audits. Compensation of less than the full amounts are prorated by month or portion thereof.

    Faculty will be compensated for Summer Session teaching at prevailing Winter/Summer session rates. Rates are published annually by the Appointments Processing Office and distributed to all departments. Compensation for activities other than instruction is contingent upon the availability of external or specifically designated internal funds. (Rev. 6/5/89)

    To receive full compensation for a course, an instructor must have a minimum of 6 students in a graduate course and 10 students in an undergraduate course. Courses may be offered with less than the minimum figure with the understanding that the faculty member's contract will be prorated accordingly. This prorating policy also applies to courses with less than 10 students involving local or foreign travel.

    In team teaching situations where more than one faculty member shares instructional responsibility for a course, each will receive a portion of his or her full salary determined by the extent of the course responsibilities. For example, if three instructors equally share in a three credit course, each would receive one-third of his or her salary at the appropriate rank, or a salary equal to one credit.

    Supervised Study: Members of the University of Delaware faculty are urged to direct supervised study courses in the summer. To encourage faculty to do so and to compensate them for substantial efforts, they will be paid on a credit hour basis for directing supervised study courses such as research, special problem, thesis, and dissertation to an established limit.

    To be eligible for payment, a faculty member must meet with the student at least the equivalent of two class meetings per week during the summer sessions for a three-credit hour supervised study course, and the amount due, after calculating research grants, instructional improvement grants, summer school salary, and other salary increments, must not exceed two-ninths of the previous academic year salary (three-ninths if no vacation is taken during the previous academic year). Payment will not be made for directing, as supervised study, a course which is scheduled during the summer or academic year. Students must be registered for credit and pay the required tuition. Students who require less supervision may, of course, earn credit, but faculty compensation will not be permitted in such cases.

    Faculty members directing supervised study for which compensation is appropriate should complete the proper form (available from departmental or college secretary or from the Office of Special Sessions) for each student. The department chairperson or dean should also sign the form and forward to Special Sessions. (Rev. 6/5/89)

    To receive compensation for supervised study projects, instructors should submit forms to the Special Sessions Office during the first week of classes. The deadline for salary considerations is one month into the subsequent term forms submitted after this deadline will not be processed.

    No tuition waiver is granted for Supervised Study unless the faculty member signs a Course Fee Waiver for Supervised Study form, available in the Accounts Receivable Office. If the faculty member signs this form, he or she waives payment for supervising the Supervised Study project.

    Only visiting professors and regular faculty members may direct Supervised Study.

March 24, 1995