Policy and Procedures for Teaching in Continuing Education
Credit courses to be offered at off-campus locations are scheduled by the Division of Continuing Education with the University Registrar's Office on the same time schedule as campus courses. Continuing Education course requests (including suggested courses, meeting days and times, and enrollment limits) are sent to department scheduling personnel and are subject to approval by department chairs. Instructors are assigned by the academic departments.
During the fall and spring semesters, evening classes normally are scheduled one night a week from 7-10 p.m. with a 15-minute break at the instructor's discretion. Some courses are scheduled two nights a week for an hour and a half each night. During special sessions (summer and winter) credit classes are usually scheduled two nights a week for at least three hours a night.
Except during winter session, a course must meet fourteen times or a total of 42 fifty-minute hours to warrant three semester hours credit. Winter session instructors must assign out-of-class projects equivalent to the difference between the 42 contact hour requirement and actual contact hours. (Rev. 6/5/89)
Instructors are urged to begin all classes on time and to continue instruction until the end of the class period. Students will have the proper regard for the course if the instructor demonstrates its importance by using fully every minute available to him or her. (Rev. 6/5/89)
An instructor who must cancel a class should notify all of the students and the University academic coordinator or the University Continuing Education Office as far in advance as possible. Passing around a signature sheet for names and telephone numbers--business and home--is a good first night procedure to prepare for such emergencies. Student telephone numbers may also be obtained from the Continuing Education Office. If in doubt whether or not the University will cancel an off- campus class due to weather, call the Continuing Education Office, 831- 2741, or listen for radio announcements. (Rev. 6/5/89)
Holidays or inclement weather may require the scheduling of a make-up class. Grade report deadlines usually do not permit extra class meetings at the end of the semester. Therefore, make-up classes usually are scheduled on an alternate week night during the regular semester, or the time is made up by eliminating class breaks and extending the class period 15 minutes. Arrangement for make-up classes can be made through the academic Continuing Education coordinator at each location or the Continuing Education Office. The University Continuing Education Office should be notified whenever a make-up class is scheduled.
Students whose names do not appear on the class list should be requested to contact the University Continuing Education Office immediately. If a course has a prerequisite, it should be indicated at the beginning of the first session so that students who may be ineligible for the course can change their registration. A syllabus should be available to students at the first class meeting. After classes have begun, Continuing Education instructors may sign drop/add and/or late registration forms for students wishing to add their classes. (Rev. 6/5/89)
Instructors do not have the authority to initiate or accept registrations or changes in registration. It is the responsibility of the student to initiate all changes of registration, according to current procedures and to submit all forms to the Continuing Education Office. Discussing a change with the instructor does not constitute a change and does not relieve the student of the responsibility to follow the prescribed steps. (Rev. 6/5/89)
Continuing Education faculty are not expected to engage in student counseling unless they wish to perform this service as a courtesy to the student. Educational advisement is available at the ACCESS Center, University Continuing Education Office. However, instructors are invited to send the ACCESS coordinator (John M. Clayton Hall, Newark, DE) course information that might be useful to prospective students. (Rev. 6/5/89)
Instructors will receive at least three class lists for verification of registrations: 1) at the first class meeting; 2) following the first six weeks and including late registrations; and 3) within the last two weeks of the semester.
The second and third lists are extremely important. Please take time to check them with the students. Students whose names do not appear on the third class list are not officially registered for the class and will not receive a grade. (Rev. 6/5/89)
Students are expected to attend all scheduled classes and laboratories and not be absent without adequate reason. Continuing Education instructors may establish attendance regulations. Deficiencies resulting from absences must be made up to the satisfaction of the instructor.
Grades must be recorded in the Continuing Education Office, Clayton Hall. Grades must be entered on two copies of the final class list and on the special grade report scan sheet. (Rev. 6/5/89)
Continuing Education students may not register for pass-fail grades unless the entire course was previously given a pass-fail option.
Instructors are requested to submit revised grades on change of grade forms available at the Continuing Education Office as promptly as possible. (Rev. 6/5/89)
All incidents of suspected student dishonesty in the classroom such as cheating on examinations or plagiarism should be reported to the Coordinator of the ACCESS Center, John M. Clayton Hall.
When instructors are notified that they will teach Continuing Education courses, they should be contacted by the department office coordinator to ensure that the textbooks have been ordered for the courses. Instructors should secure desk copyies of the text/texts to be used by requesting it/them from the publisher. If notification of teaching assignment is received too late for this procedure, instructors may obtain a Request for Services form from the Continuing Education Office, present it to the University Bookstore or to one of the Bookstore representatives at an off-campus location and secure a text. However, the text is charged to the Department concerned. An instructor should then request a desk copy from the publisher and turn it in to the Bookstore so that a credit will be issued to the Department.
Bookstore representatives will sell books at the bookstore on the Wilmington Campus during the first two weeks of classes. At off-campus locations, books will be sold by a bookstore representative to students the first night of each class. Students also may obtain books by mail directly from the bookstore. (Rev. 6/5/89)
Some departments provide their own course evaluation forms to instructors. Continuing Education evaluation forms will be available to each class during the last two weeks of instruction and should be returned to the Continuing Education Office at Clayton Hall. Collated results will be shared with instructors. (Rev. 6/5/89)
Blue books, chalk, and other classroom supplies are available from the local Continuing Education coordinator or the Continuing Education Office. Continuing Education will make copies of lesson materials for instructors provided that requests are received two weeks in advance. Requests for audio-visual support for classroom instruction should be made in advance to the on-site facilities coordinator. (Rev. 6/5/89)
Smoking is prohibited in all classrooms and in all buildings except in designated areas. (Rev. 6/5/89)
Reassignment of off-campus classrooms during emergencies: If instructors find a building closed when they arrive at off-campus locations, they should contact the building coordinator at that location immediately.
If it is necessary to evacuate a building or classroom at a Continuing Education site, instructors will be advised by the building coordinator.
If the signal to evacuate is given after 8 p.m., classes will be dismissed. In anticipation of building evacuations, Continuing Education faculty should develop and provide students with a schedule of supplementary readings or other material to be used as a possible substitute for remaining class sessions. Students should be informed that if a building is evacuated and the class dismissed, the supplementary material on the schedule automatically should be added to next week's preparation.
Health Care Emergencies: Notify the Continuing Education or building coordinator at that location, University Security or the statewide emergency number (911). (Rev. 6/5/89)
Supplemental contracts for instructors of Continuing Education credit courses are initiated by the academic departments. Continuing Education faculty are paid on a semi-monthly basis during the semester. At the end of the semester, an instructor also may fill out; a Reimbursement of Personal Expense Invoice, available at the Continuing Education Office, to collect travel expense incurred during the term. Travel is paid at the rate of 25 cents per mile for travel exceeding 10 miles one way between residence and classroom location. Postage or telephone expense used in contacting students may be included on this form provided receipts are attached. Other types of expenses (field trips, meals, honoraria for guest speakers, must be approved in advance by the Associate Director for Academic and Student Services in order to be reimbursed. A check for these expenses will be mailed to the address given after the fifteenth of the month following receipt of the invoice. (Rev. 6/5/89)
Continuing Education instructors teaching at University classroom sites may use University parking lots if they register their motor vehicles. Cost of registration per semester varies depending on the decal desired. Registration may be completed at the University Security Office or at the Wilmington and Newark in-person registration sites. (Rev. 6/5/89)
An identification card will be issued to each instructor in the Division of Continuing Education. Presentation of this card will enable the instructors to use the University Library and Bookstore and to obtain football tickets.
University Continuing Education faculty who hold an identification card are entitled to use the University Library.
Continuing Education faculty may purchase season football tickets for University of Delaware home games at the faculty rate, upon presentation of a Continuing Education instructor's identification card at the ticket sales office, Bob Carpenter Center.
Continuing Education students enrolled in credit classes may use the facilities at Carpenter Sports Building upon payment of the required semester fee and subject to published restrictions. (Rev. 6/5/89)