The University Committee on Promotions and Tenure
This committee serves two major functions: first, it, together with the
Provost, assists departments (or colleges or divisions) in developing or
revising their criteria for promotion and tenure; and, second, it makes
recommendations to and consults with the Provost concerning every
candidacy for promotion and tenure.
- The committee shall receive, consider, and confer with the Provost
and with the initiating unit on any proposed new statement or
criteria for promotion or on any proposed changes in existing
statements. No statement or revision shall become effective until
approved by the Committee and the Provost. ("Minimum
Standards for Promotion" and "Departmental Responsibilities"
described earlier.)
- In addition, the committee receives from the deans and directors all
promotion dossiers and makes a recommendation about each. In
reviewing applications for promotion, the committee judges the
relevance and appropriateness of the credentials offered to support
the request for promotion. In doing so, the committee exercises its
best judgment as to the adequacy of the evidence in meeting the
unit's published criteria.
Following its review, the committee will forward the dossier,
together with its recommendations to the Provost and will notify the
candidate, the department committee, the department chairperson, and
the dean or director of its recommendation and the reasons for it.
- The committee, in the course of its reviews of applications and the
criteria statements applicable to them, may discover deficiencies in
the statements. It shall communicate such inadequacies to the
Provost and to the unit and shall assist in the satisfactory
amendment of the statement.
March 23, 1995