Promotion Procedures at the College Level
In order to assure that both candidates and the University are well
served, each college or division will establish and maintain a promotion
and tenure committee. These committees must be sensitive to the special
needs of their colleges while still observing these guidelines.
- A Promotion and Tenure Committee, elected by the faculty of the
college (or its representatives), shall evaluate the merits of each
candidate's dossier as well as review departmental criteria to insure
reasonable uniformity. (In colleges, schools, or divisions lacking
departments, this review will be the initial peer evaluation and will
assume the responsibilities described for departments.)
The college committee should be broadly representative of
the major fields within its purview. Not every discipline can be
represented, of course, but the committee should be sufficiently
large to encompass a wide range of viewpoints. Like departmental
committees, it should publish and distribute its policies and
practices and make every effort to see that they are applied
consistently from year to year.
- The results of the review by the college committee shall be promptly
reported in writing to the candidate and department and forwarded
with the dossier for review and recommendation by the dean or
director. Fairness to the candidate and department requires that the
committee explain its disagreements (if any) with recommendations
made at an earlier stage.
- Before reaching a final decision, however, the committee may--indeed
is encouraged to--consult with the candidate or department regarding
additional evidence that might clarify the promotion dossier. The
committee should allow a reasonable amount of time for this purpose.
- The dean or director shall review the dossier and shall either
endorse or recommend against the promotion in a written notification
to the candidate, department committee, and college committee. The
dean or director shall also forward the dossiers and statements of
action on them to the University Committee on Promotions and Tenure
and to the Provost.
- Each college committee and dean will establish and publish procedures
and schedules for hearing appeals to their
March 23, 1995