Candidate's Responsibilities

Faculty members have the right and responsibility to know all relevant departmental, college and University promotion criteria, policies, and practices. They should exercise this right at the earliest possible time and plan their academic development and activities with the guidelines in mind. (The evaluation procedures described in the section, "Evaluation of Faculty" provide an excellent opportunity for making such plans on a regular basis.)

A faculty member has the right to apply for promotion at any time (subject to the provisions pertaining to tenure described previously in the section, "Evaluation of Faculty") and has the sole right to advance or withdraw the dossier from the promotion process.

A candidate for promotion also has the right to be informed in writing by each reviewing body--department committee, chairperson, college committee, dean, University Promotions and Tenure Committee, and Provost--of its decision. The reasons for adverse recommendations must be explained to the candidate as specifically and completely as possible and reasonable.

Keeping in mind the schedule which requires that dossiers be submitted for departmental review no later than September 30, a candidate has the responsibility to consult with the department chairperson, promotion committees or any other appropriate person regarding the content and preparation of the dossier. (Note, however, that the schedule does not preclude the addition by the department of new evidence (e.g., recent publications or acceptances) at any time so long as the candidate concurs.)

March 23, 1995