The University can assume no responsibility for private professional services rendered by members of its faculty, and it must be made clear to any employer that the work has no official connection with the University.
University facilities or equipment may be used for outside consulting activity only after written approval has been obtained from the chairperson of the consultant's department, the dean, and the person responsible for operating the facility or equipment. In all cases, the consultant's employer will pay the rate established by the University for the use of the facility or equipment.
The obligations of a faculty member to the University Patent Policy must be made known to any outside employer before a commitment for consulting services is made when there would be any possibility of a conflict of interests.
A faculty member must keep the department chairperson and the dean fully informed on the nature and extent of each arrangement that involves outside professional service. Under no circumstances should such outside employment or other activity exceed the equivalent of one day (eight hours) of a five day week.
Course-type activities outside the University are not considered as consultation and require the approval of the President or his or her designee. Because of the possibility of conflict with regular University and Continuing Education programs, the department chairperson and the Associate Provost and Director of Continuing Education should be consulted before any arrangements are contemplated.
Faculty members called upon to serve as jurors will continue to receive salary during periods of absence necessitated by appearance at Court. Such individuals will keep their chairperson or dean advised of probable periods of absence.
Where teaching or research schedules are affected, the faculty members shall cooperate with their chairperson or dean in finding suitable substitutes for instruction of students or for the conduct of research that cannot be delayed.
If an individual faculty member must complete most of the teaching and research responsibilities in addition to the time spent as a juror, then the per diem payment shall be retained by the individual. In all other cases the monies received from the state, county, or city for such service as a juror will be remitted to the University Payroll Officer. Such reimbursement to the University will be only the per diem rate paid, not travel or meal allowances. (Approved by Faculty Senate 12/19/77)