Sabbatical Leave
Purpose of Sabbatical Leave
Sabbatical leave is granted by the University to full-time
assistant, associate, and full professors, and to
administrators holding academic rank with either or both of
the following aims: (1) to provide time for research or other
professional or creative activity; (2) to provide time for
improvement of instructional materials and techniques or their
Sabbatical leave is not automatic. The justification of a
sabbatical leave is determined primarily on the basis of a
written proposal outlining the nature of the program to be
undertaken and the benefits to the individual and to the
University that may reasonably be expected. The department
chairperson (or other appropriate administrative officer)
meeting with a departmental committee to examine the
proposals, shall determine their academic merits. Proposals
may be rejected because of lack of merit or low priority or
may be deferred because of staffing problems.
Faculty members on sabbatical leave are not eligible for extra
compensation for teaching in Continuing Education or other
similar assignments.
Qualifications for Sabbatical Leave
Apart from the merits of the written proposals, qualifications
for obtaining sabbatical leave are as follows:
- The applicant shall have been a full-time member of the
faculty (or a full-time administrator holding academic
rank) for six full years to be eligible for sabbatical
leave salary option "a" (see Compensation section); or
for three full years for sabbatical leave salary option
"b" (see Compensation section).
- The applicant shall hold the rank currently of assistant,
associate, or full professor.
- Leaves of absence without pay exceeding ninety days shall
not be counted toward the minimum number of years for
eligibility; neither shall they be counted adversely as
in any way disqualifying a candidate's application for
sabbatical leave or seriously affecting the
recommendation for such leave.
- The credit toward a sabbatical leave does not begin to
accumulate until the beginning of the next appointment
year after returning from a sabbatical leave.
- Research and extension personnel paid wholly from other
than University funds are not eligible to apply for
sabbatical leaves.
- The granting of the leave must not result in additional
costs to the University.
The award of Fulbright-Hays, Guggenheim, NSF, ACLS, or other
extramural grants from appropriately accredited agencies shall
not be construed as disqualifying a candidate for sabbatical
leave; on the contrary, it may be taken, in part, as
endorsing his application. Teaching appointments, especially
abroad, shall also be regarded as a positive recommendation,
except in the case of Fulbright-Hays lectureships, where
faculty members may not agree to teach more than half-time
while on sabbatical leave.
Occasionally, it may be necessary for the University to
postpone the award of an acceptable sabbatical leave request
for reasons that have nothing to do with the specific merits
of the application itself. In the event of postponement or
deferment of sabbatical leave by the University
administration, the intervening period shall be counted toward
the accrued time required for the next sabbatical leave
application. On the other hand, if a faculty member delays
the application until after the normal period has elapsed, he
or she may not claim the intervening time toward another
sabbatical leave request.
Application Procedure
- Applications for sabbaticals are made through the
department chairperson. Applications must include an
outline of activities to be engaged in while on leave and
a statement indicating how the leave will promote the
faculty member's professional development and benefit the
University of Delaware. Each case is considered
individually, but in general, approval is limited to
those applications that present a well thought through
plan of study, research, travel, or other activity
clearly related to the faculty member's professional
field and duties at the University of Delaware.
- Applications for full-year sabbatical leave should reach
the department chairperson by the first Friday in
September, twelve months before the leave period;
notification of the action on the grant shall be made not
later than the first Friday in December following.
Applications for half-year sabbaticals should reach
department chairs by either the first Friday in September
or the first Friday in February, depending upon the
period for which the leave is requested, but in either
case twelve months before the leave period; notification
of the action shall be made not later than the first
Friday in December or the first Friday in May following.
The importance of early application and early
notification for the University and for the individual
faculty member cannot be overemphasized. Applications
received with less than the lead time indicated may be
accepted, but the disadvantages of risking later
notification or lower priority rating should be
- The department chairperson, in consultation with an
appropriate committee, will evaluate the proposal and
will indicate to the dean the rating of the project and
the manner proposed to absorb or fill the vacancy thus
created, if approved. The dean, if approving in turn,
will establish priorities and where required make
budgetary recommendations to the Provost. The Provost
will study all aspects of the recommendations and make
the determination concerning the leave.
The following sabbatical leave salary options are available to
the University of Delaware faculty:
- After six appointment years of full-time service, one
appointment year at half salary, or one-half an
appointment year at full salary will be granted.
- After three appointment years of full-time service, one-
half an appointment year at half salary will be granted.
- Inasmuch as the faculty member on leave is still
considered to be a full-time employee, all University of
Delaware regulations and benefits shall apply to the
recipient while on sabbatical leave. The University and
the recipient shall both continue to carry on respective
financial responsibilities for group life insurance,
retirement (TIAA/CREF or Fidelity Investments), (
Effective January 1, 1988.) hospitalization and major
medical insurance, and other benefits. However, if a
recipient participating in the University Retirement plan
wishes, he or she may elect to reduce the premium in the
same proportion and for the same period as the total
salary is reduced while on leave. In all instances,
however, the University premium payments will remain at
their usual level.
- The recipient of a sabbatical leave is required to return
to the University of Delaware for at least one full
year's service at the conclusion of a sabbatical earned
after six year's service, or one-half year at the
conclusion of a sabbatical awarded after three years'
service. If a faculty member resigns during or at the
completion of a sabbatical leave, he or she must return
to the University the salary that was received while on
that particular leave.
Upon return, recipients of sabbatical leaves shall submit a
written report to their departmental chairperson, dean, and
the Provost (or appropriate administrative officer)
summarizing their activities and accomplishments. Subsequent
awards, it is only fair to say, may in part be evaluated on
the basis of the achievements of previous grants. Therefore,
any concrete indications of the value of the grant (books or
articles published, renewed requests for services, etc.)
should be submitted as and when they become available for
inclusion or notation in the faculty member's personnel file
in the chairperson's office.
March 24, 1995