Medical Leave
The University recognizes the importance of having a separate leave
policy that addresses the medical needs of faculty members. The
following policy sets forth the medical leave options that are available
to faculty members.
It is the policy of the University to comply with the Family and Medical
Leave Act of 1993, which grants an eligible employee up to a total of 12
workweeks of leave in any 12-month period for certain circumstances. An
eligible faculty member is entitled to up to a total of 12 workweeks of
unpaid medical leave during a 12-month period to care for an immediate
family member (spouse, child or parent) with a serious health condition,
or when the faculty member is unable to work because of his or her own
serious health condition. This medical leave will count against the
employee's total family and medical leave entitlement of 12 weeks in any
we-month period. Generally, such medical leave is unpaid.
- To be eligible for medical leave, the faculty member must have worked
for the University for at least one academic year.
- The University may require that any period of medical leave be
supported by certification issued by a healthcare provider. The
certification must be provided in a timely manner. Subsequent
recertifications may be required.
- Requests for medical leave should be made in writing, stating the
reason for the leave, the requested starting date of the leave and
the faculty member's anticipated date of return.
- All requests for medical leave, except for emergency situations must
be submitted as far in advance as possible, but in any event, at
least thirty (30) days prior to the commencement of the leave in
order to enable the University to provide for adequate staffing of
the faculty member's position during the leave.
- A request for medical leave must be submitted to the faculty
member's department chairperson or dean.
- Upon return from medical leave, the University will return the
faculty member to his or her original teaching duties.
- During a period of approved medical leave, the University will
continue the faculty member's hospital-medical-surgical and dental
benefits up to 12 weeks. University contributions to benefit
programs stop after 12 weeks of medical leave. If the faculty member
voluntarily decides not to return from leave for reasons unrelated to
personal or family illness or reasons unrelated to the birth,
adoption or placement in foster care of a child, the University may
seek to recover its portion of health plan premiums paid for the
faculty member during the leave.
(New, 11/93, Office of Employee Relations; approved by Faculty Senate)
March 24, 1995