Faculty Exchange Program

The University of Delaware actively supports a program of faculty exchanges between domestic and foreign universities. The benefits to the University from this program are manifold and include: 1) wider experience for our faculty members teaching in new and different environments; 2) broader exposure for our students from visiting faculty members; 3) expanding reputation of the University in the quality of its students and faculty; and 4) increased opportunities for faculty to meet and work with colleagues in different institutions.

The costs to the universities involved are minimal and, certainly in the case of domestic exchanges, nil, since each institution will continue to provide salaries and fringe benefits for its own faculty members. This arrangement, furthermore, will greatly facilitate exchanges and provide for minimal interruption to individual careers, earnings, and accrued benefits, such as time toward sabbatical leaves, pensions, etc.

Faculty exchanges are not limited to exchanges with other universities and colleges but may be arranged with industrial firms, government agencies, businesses, and such, where both parties involved may benefit from the exchange.


  1. Appointments of faculty being exchanged must be approved by departments and colleges of the institutions concerned.
  2. Each institution involved in the exchange shall continue to pay the salary and fringe benefits of its own faculty member, who will simply be considered on assignment elsewhere.
  3. Faculty exchanges shall normally be at the same or equivalent rank, with clear advantages in the exchange to both institutions.
    Faculty members shall retain academic rank during the period of the exchange and may be designated as "Visiting Professor, Associate Professor," and such, at the host institution.
  4. Work assignments will be determined by the host institution and agreed to by all parties in advance of the exchange.
  5. Upon final approval of the exchange by the department chair, the dean of the college, and the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, a contract shall be initiated by the department chairperson at least six weeks before the visiting faculty member's expected arrival or commencement of activities on the campus. This contract is necessary so that the visitor and the University will be covered by the University's liability insurance during the visitor's residence. The contract shall indicate the visitor's rank, beginning and ending dates of residence at the University of Delaware, and department or other unit in which the visitor is engaged in teaching or research.
    A copy of the contract will be supplied to the visitor upon arrival on campus.
  6. To equalize appropriately differences in salary and cost of living between the University of Delaware and certain foreign institutions, it may sometimes be necessary to provide a small supplement to visitors in the form of travel funds or other assistance. Standard Blue Cross and Blue Shield coverage is available for foreign visitors who may need and request it. Family coverage, however, must be paid for directly by the visiting faculty member. Major medical insurance is not available to visitors. Applications for Blue Cross and Blue Shield must be filled out by the visitor in sufficient time to be effective at the time of arrival on campus. (Note: These supplementary awards are not a stipend; they are indicated in the "Comments" section of the contract.)
  7. Institutions involved with the University in conducting faculty exchanges may also be interested in exchanging graduate students along with faculty at the same time. In general, the same conditions will apply, including the arrangements for continuing stipends, fringe benefits, etc., and all such exchanges must follow the same approval procedures and conditions.

March 24, 1995