Academic Leave of Absence for One or More Semesters

Leave of absence for one or more semesters without salary may be arranged for the purpose of engaging in faculty exchange, completion of degree requirements, scholarly work under foundation fellowships or grants, research, or public service, without prejudice to future promotions in rank or salary, provided that the period of absence is reasonable and does not work an unwarranted hardship upon the University. An individual who anticipates applying for leave should confer with his or her department chairperson or the dean of the college before initiating any negotiations. Leaves of absence without salary are not available to faculty who wish to take temporary employment elsewhere that affords no real intellectual advancement.

Short leaves of a day or two that do not interrupt a regular schedule may be arranged informally with the department chairman or the dean concerned. For longer leaves, a formal request should be submitted to the President through the dean and the Provost and are dependent upon administrative approval.

(Rev., 11/93, Faculty Senate)

March 23, 1995