Faculty, Professional, and Staff Travel

  1. Expenses

    1. General Guidelines

      Funds are available to the various colleges and divisions for travel to encourage active membership and participation in professional, scientific, and educational organizations. In general, to the extent of available funds, University philosophy is that members of the University community should be supported reasonably for travel that is professionally and institutionally justifiable. (Rev. 9/26/90)

      Reimbursement for full or partial expenses may be approved according to the following criteria:

      1. Full expense reimbursement within the limits listed in the following sections may be given to members of the University community who are designated to represent the University at meetings, have important parts in programs, or are officers in national educational, scientific, and professional organizations and learned societies or who travel on University business when such is required by the position, special assignment, or sponsored research obligations. When reimbursement for transportation, lodging, and meals has been authorized, it is the University's policy to reimburse for those expenses up to the limits prescribed under these policies. (Rev. 9/26/90)

      2. Partial reimbursement (usually transportation) may be given to those who attend meetings of educational, professional, and scientific organizations and learned societies at their own request and for their own professional development.

      Meeting the above criteria does not guarantee reimbursement for travel expenses. Each request is considered on its own individual merits within funds available.

      More specific operational guidelines and procedures are presented in the following sections. These regulations apply to all travel, regardless of source of support. Travel reimbursement requests not conforming to the guidelines and procedures may not be reimbursed.

    2. Travel

      1. Request for Authorization for Travel

        All employees and students are authorized to receive reimbursement for University travel. All overnight travel out of the state, or travel that involves missing classes, requires prior approval by the appropriate authority. Travel undertaken without this prior approval may not be reimbursed. (Rev. 9/26/90)

        Request for Authorization for Travel and Cash Advance forms may be obtained in the departmental office. All information requested is to be provided. Only very rarely is travel to be undertaken that results in missing classes, and in every case the form is to indicate what alternate provision has been made for meeting campus assignments.

        NOTE: Two advances may be obtained for the same trip when it is necessary or economically advantageous to obtain airline tickets early. The Cash Advance form is to be used for both advances. Payments will not be made in advance directly to travel agents, except for team or large group travel.

      2. Approval of Travel

        1. Contiguous United States Travel

          Department chairpersons and directors may approve travel within the forty-eight contiguous United States.

        2. International Travel (and travel to Hawaii and Alaska)

          May be approved by the supervisor of the individual traveling when sources of funds to pay for the travel are 100% available. This will normally be a chair or director of an academic department. The chair or director of an academic department will report such authorized travel when requested to do so by a dean. Federal regulations still require most international travel charged to Federally sponsored contracts and grants (including Federal "pass through" funds), to receive prior clearance by applicable Federal agencies. It is recommended that individuals considering such international travel contact the Research Office before the travel occurs. (Rev. 9/26/90)

      3. Research Travel

        In addition to understanding these University policies, faculty members and students traveling under research contracts/grants should familiarize themselves with any special restrictions on travel imposed by the contract/grant. Special travel or travel outside the country on research funds is to be cleared by the granting agency as well as by the University. Requests for authorization to travel are to be within the amount budgeted for travel in the research contract/grant unless a request for budget revision accompanies the travel request. Requests for reimbursement are not to exceed the limitations imposed either by the research contract/grant or by the University. Graduate students may travel on research funds only if the contract/grant authorizes graduate student travel. (Rev. 9/26/90)

        Except as limited by contract/grant regulations, round-trip economy air fares for international travel for accompanying spouse and dependent children (under 18 years of age) may be included as part of the project budget where the minimum stay is greater than 60 days. No cost-of-living supplement beyond that for project personnel may be included.

      4. Cash Advances for and Reimbursement for Travel Expenses

        1. Cash Advance

          The University may provide a cash advance to assist employees in financing University-authorized travel. Cash Advances will not be approved for more than the amount authorized on the travel authorization or for less than $100.00. Requests for Cash Advance are to reach the Accounts Payable Department ten days prior to the time they are required or should meet published Accounts Payable deadlines. Those who have received such advances are to settle with the Accounts Payable Department within thirty days of their return to campus. Any Cash Advance not settled within the thirty- day period may be deducted from the individual's next paycheck. Normal reimbursement will then be made when the final travel accounting is settled. (Rev. 9/26/90)

        2. Reimbursement

          Reimbursement is made only for necessary expenses of travelers in the performance of their official duties. Reimbursement of Personal Expenses Invoices are subject to audit and approval by the Assistant Treasurer and Controller or the Director of Disbursements.

        3. Request for Reimbursement

          The request for reimbursement is to be submitted promptly after return to the campus on a University of Delaware Reimbursement of Personal Expenses Invoice. All receipts and tickets and the approved copy of the travel authorization form are to be attached to this request.

        4. Approval of Travel Vouchers

          Faculty, professional, or staff members may not approve their own travel vouchers. Vouchers for reimbursement are to be approved by the account administrator or the individual's supervisor when the administrator is the requester or supervised by the requester. (Rev. 9/26/90)

      5. Mode of Travel and Miscellaneous Items

        The mode of travel is to be justified on the basis of the most economical use of time of the personnel involved and the requirements of the trip. Cash Advances are to be obtained for advance purchase of travel tickets rather than a Purchase Order or Request for Check even if two Cash Advance forms are necessary for the trip.

        1. Routing of Travel

          All travel will be by a usually traveled route. Travel by other routes may be allowed when the official necessity is satisfactorily established and approved by the dean or administrative officer.

        2. Interrupted Travel

          Whenever a traveler, for his own convenience, travels by an indirect route or interrupts travel by direct route, the additional expense will be borne by the traveler. Reimbursement for expenses will be based only on such charges as would have been incurred by a usually traveled route.

        3. Fares

          Train and bus fare on any trip may not exceed the regular fare charged the general public. The traveler should take advantage of round-trip or excursion rates whenever possible.

        4. Rail Accommodations

          Reimbursement for use of the Metroliner Club Car is not authorized.

        5. Plane Accommodations

          When commercial airlines are used as the mode of travel, accommodations are to be for tourist, coach, or economy class. First-class accommodations may be approved only when required by compelling circumstances and an explanation is attached to the Reimbursement of Personal Expenses Invoice.

        6. Taxi Fares

          Taxi fares are reimbursable only when it is necessary to use such means of transportation. Receipts are not required.

        7. Receipts

          Ticket stubs from all airline, rail, or bus tickets are to be attached to the Reimbursement of Personal Expenses Invoice when it is submitted for reimbursement. Travel agency invoices or statements will not be accepted as receipts for reimbursement.

        8. University Owned Vehicles

          Before taking a trip by automobile, the availability and cost of a University car is to be considered. If a University car is used, mileage will be charged to the appropriate travel account; tolls and parking will be reimbursed to the driver. Credit cards for gasoline may be obtained at the Office of Plant Operations.

        9. Privately Owned Vehicles (Privately owned vehicles do not include privately owned aircraft (see item (L) "Use of Privately Owned Aircraft" in this section.)

          At the discretion of the administrative officer involved, privately owned vehicles may be used by University personnel in performance of official duties.

          If a privately owned vehicle is used by one person when the destination can be reached conveniently by common carrier, reimbursement for transportation will not exceed the cost of the common carrier fare.

          University personnel who plan the same itinerary for the same dates are requested to travel in a group whenever possible. Mileage allowance under these circumstances is authorized for only the one member of the group whose vehicle is used.

          Use of a privately owned vehicle is reimbursable at the approved University rate of 25 cents per mile. Mileage allowances are to cover all operating costs, including repairs, insurance, gasoline, depreciation, towage, and other similar expenditures, regardless of whether University-owned equipment is carried. Whether a personal or University automobile is used, the individual is responsible for any costs incurred for traffic or parking fines and for any repairs to his or her personal vehicle. (Rev. 9/26/90)

        10. Parking and Toll Charges

          Parking and toll charges are allowable travel expenses. Whenever possible, receipted bills or stamped parking tickets showing the exact payment made are to be submitted.

        11. Automobile Rentals

          When a rental car at destination is necessary, prior approval is to be obtained. A credit card that gives fleet rates for rental cars should also be obtained from the office of Plant Operations. If non-fleet rates are incurred, the University will reimburse only the fleet rates.

        12. Use of Privately Owned Aircraft

          Use of privately owned aircraft on University business shall not be approved unless the following requirements are fulfilled:

          1. Requirements of Pilots and Aircraft: The individual pilot who flies a privately owned aircraft on University business is to have an instrument rating and is to fly an aircraft equipped for instrument flight. Both pilot and aircraft are to be currently qualified in accordance with FAA regulation.
          2. Pilot Qualification Reports: The qualified pilot will supply the Associate Treasurer-Finance with an updated pilot Qualification Report annually to document the currency of his or her flying credentials.
          3. Insurance: The individual pilot will procure aircraft liability insurance with limits not less than $1 million single-limit bodily injury and property damage liability, and will have the University added as additional insured on said policy. A certificate of Insurance will be provided to the Associate Treasurer-Finance bearing evidence of this coverage. (Rev. 9/26/90)
          4. Approval: Personally owned or leased aircraft may not be used on University business without the specific prior written approval of the Provost.
          5. Reimbursement: Cost to the University will not exceed the reimbursable rate approved by the University for use of a privately owned automobile or the common carrier rates when distance dictates use of a common carrier.
          This policy on use of privately owned aircraft does not permit employees described above to serve as pilots for transporting employees on University business. The policy is established to permit such pilots, under the above regulations, to fly privately owned aircraft on their own University business.

    3. Meals and Lodging Related to Travel

      1. Responsibility

        It is the responsibility of the dean or administrative officer concerned to determine that expenses are not excessive and are in the best interest of the University.

      2. Allowance for Meals

        Individuals traveling on University business have two options for reimbursement of meals. Only one option may be used on a given trip. The traveler may use the federally approved per diem rate of $26 per day ($34 per day in some high cost areas see Policies & Procedures Manual, Policy No. 3-7) with no documentation required. The alternative is to document meal expenses with individual receipts. The maximum allowance for meals is $6.50 for breakfast, $8.50 for lunch, and $20.00 for dinner, including tips. Failure to document expenses above the Federal per diem allowance will result in taxable income to the traveler. (Rev. 9/26/90)

      3. Allowance for Lodging

        The allowance for lodging will not exceed the normal maximum charge for a single room except as authorized under item #3 of these policies, "Approval of Exceptions." It is expected that the traveler will exercise prudent judgment in selection of a place to stay. Certain hotel and motel chains offer special faculty or business rates. Whenever possible, travelers are to obtain reservations at hotels that offer discounted rates. Receipts are to be obtained. Lodging with acquaintances may be permitted at a rate not to exceed $10.00 per day. (Rev. 9/26/90)

      4. Expenses of Spouse

        If lodging is for a husband and wife, University reimbursement is limited to the usual single room rate that is to be indicated on the face of the hotel bill.

      5. Non-reimbursable Meal Costs

        Luncheon reimbursement is not authorized for travel within Delaware.

    4. Other Expenses Related to Travel

      1. Alcoholic Beverages

        No charges for alcoholic beverages are permitted.

      2. Registration Fee

        When registration for a seminar or conference is to be paid in advance, a Request for Check is to be issued directly to the sponsor. The request is to be accompanied by a letter or registration form, and will be mailed directly by the Accounting Department. (Rev. 9/26/90)

      3. Travel Expenses of Non-University Personnel

        Reimbursement of personnel travel expenses to other than University personnel, e.g., colloquium speaker, prospective employee, and so forth, is subject to the same regulations that pertain to University personnel. The non-University personnel or administrative officer will complete a Request for Check form attaching any required receipts. The administrative officer, after signing the Request for Check and thereby approving the expenditure, will process it for payment in accordance with the usual procedure. The reimbursement check will be mailed to the non-University personnel. (Rev. 9/26/90)

      4. Non-allowable Expenses

        Charges for baby-sitting, fines for traffic violations, boarding of pets, travel insurance, loss or damage to personal property, personal telephone calls, valet service, and use of Metroliner Club Car are representative of non-allowable expenses.

      5. Miscellaneous

        Luggage assistance, business telephone calls, and service charges are to be itemized on the request for reimbursement, not included as part of the hotel bill. Taxi, bus, and subway charges are to be itemized. Registration fees are to be substantiated by a receipt.

  2. Professional Meetings

    1. Approval

      Department heads have the responsibility, within University and College guidelines, to control travel funds allotted to them in such a manner as to assure maximum benefit to the University. It is expected that they will encourage their faculty to attend appropriate professional and industrial meetings from time to time, and over a several-year period, will control such funding to obtain as extensive participation by faculty members as is possible within the funds available, particularly where faculty members are presenting papers or are involved in important professional society administrative or committee work. Reimbursement for professional meeting expenses incurred while on official leave may not be made unless such reimbursement is specifically approved in advance by the Provost of the University.

    2. Reimbursable Expenses

      The faculty, professional, or staff member will receive such full or partial reimbursement as is agreed in advance by the department head.

  3. Approval of Exceptions

    Vice Presidents, the University Secretary, the Treasurer, the Associate Vice President for Computing and Network Services, deans or equivalent administrative officers may approve University Travel and related meals in excess of authorized allowances from their Discretionary Funds. Other exceptions require the approval of the Provost for units reporting to the Provost and the Senior Vice President for administrative departments. (Rev. 9/26/90)

March 24, 1995