Faculty, Professional, and Staff Entertainment of University Guests


    Entertainment for candidates for employment at the University, for guest lecturers/speakers and for other University purposes is authorized within the prescribed policies. For entertainment of non-University personnel, every effort is expected to be made to minimize expense to the University consistent with reasonable hospitality. Accommodations and meals are available in the Newark area at moderately priced facilities, and these facilities are to be used, especially on campus meal facilities such as the Blue and Gold Club, Clayton Hall, and the Faculty Dining Room.

    Charges for travel and lodging will be reimbursed at cost, consistent with the rates published in the University Travel Policy (see paragraph II A.3.b and c in the University Policy and Procedures Manual).

    Reimbursement for meals is limited to the guest(s) and up to four University representatives. When a guest's spouse is present, the four University representatives may include spouses; otherwise, reimbursement is limited to employees or students. Such reimbursement is subject to the following limits:

                 $6.50   Breakfast per person
                  8.50   Lunch per person
                 20.00   Dinner per person
    Receipts are required for all meals and must be submitted with the reimbursement request. The request must indicate the name of the guest, the names of the University representatives, and the purpose of the visit.

    Lodging and meals in the homes of University personnel are authorized subject to:

    Meals for guests may not be charged directly to the University at area restaurants. Charges directly to the University for lodging may be arranged for by the Purchase Order prior to the guest's arrival. Otherwise, the guest will be reimbursed upon presentation of receipts.

    Vice Presidents, the University Secretary, the Treasurer, the Associate Vice President, deans or equivalent administrative officers may approve the following from annual allocation of Discretionary Funds:

    (Rev. 6/5/89)


    Reimbursement for work-related meals utilizing University facilities is authorized and is limited to the rates published in the University Travel Policy (see paragraph II A.3.b in the University Policy and Procedures Manual).

    In addition, Vice Presidents, the University Secretary, the Treasurer, the Associate Vice President, deans and equivalent administrative officers may approve allowable refreshments and meals for University personnel from available Discretionary Funds , including:

    Meals and refreshments for events such as holidays, birthdays, and showers are considered personal and are not authorized for reimbursement by the University. Nor are gifts, Christmas and other cards, baby- sitting and membership in social clubs, including the Blue and Gold Club, authorized for reimbursement by the University.

    No charges are permitted to University 1-1, 1-3, State or Federal accounts for alcoholic beverages.

    (Rev. 6/5/89)


    Exceptions not specifically covered by these policies require approval of the Provost for academic departments and of the Sernior Vice President for administrative departments.

    (Rev. 6/5/89)

    March 23, 1995