This policy shall apply to all academic units for the appointment of
academic rank. The policy shall be applicable to all full- and part-time
positions, permanent and temporary positions, joint and adjunct positions,
regardless of funding source.
- To appoint any person to an academic rank requires a positive
recommendation from the faculty of the academic unit to which the person
is to be assigned. The faculty of each academic unit may formally
designate a subgroup to act for the unit as a whole, if it so wishes.
Such subgroups may include search committees, department and college
executive committees or senates.
- For each new or vacant academic rank position, there shall be a search
committee. The policy governing the establishment and composition of
search committees may vary from college to college or from department to
department with the approval of the dean. By majority vote, department
or college faculty may forego the establishment of a search committee in
cases deemed appropriate (e.g., temporary part-time faculty) but
affirmative action requirements must still be observed.
- Search committees shall abide by the University Faculty Recruitment
Procedures as published in the University Policy and Procedures
Chairperson's Supplement, unless explicitly exempted by the Vice
President for Academic Affairs with the concurrence of a majority of the
faculty of the academic unit.
- The college dean and department chairperson act for the college and
department faculty, respectively. It is understood that they consult
with college or department faculty according to college and department
policies and procedures in making their recommendations.