Alcoholism Policy
When a University employee's performance is adversely affected by the use
of alcohol, the University's commitments to excellence and the general
health and welfare of the University community require that corrective
action be taken to rehabilitate such employee or to terminate his or her
services, if rehabilitation cannot be accomplished within a reasonable
length of time.
It shall be the policy of the University to assist, whenever possible, in
the rehabilitation of any such employee.
Employees with an alcohol problem are strongly encouraged to discuss the
matter with their supervisors, in order that assistance may be provided
towards the goal of continued employability.
When it appears that an employee's job performance is adversely affected by
the use of alcohol, the Provost, with respect to the members of the
faculty, and the Vice President for Employee Relations, with respect to all
other employees, shall conduct such investigation as is necessary to
determine if there are sufficient job performance problems to indicate that
corrective action is required.
- Employees with More Than Two Years of Service (or with tenure)
When the Provost or the Vice President for Employee Relations is
satisfied from the investigation that corrective action is required with
respect to an employee with more than two years of service, he or she
- Arrange one or more conferences among the employee, the University
Psychiatrist, and the Provost or Vice President for Employee
Relations to discuss the employee's problems and the kinds of
assistance that are available.
- If, in the opinion of the Provost or the Vice President for Employee
Relations, the employee's supervisor, and the University
Psychiatrist, the employee has a drinking problem that is adversely
affecting job performance, the employee shall become rehabilitated
within a reasonable time, either pursuant to counseling and treatment
under the auspices of the University Psychiatrist, or through a
program of self-rehabilitation, which may include treatment by a
psychiatrist retained by the employee at his or her expense. The
role of the University Psychiatrist is to assist the University
administration in evaluating the employee and the circumstances
surrounding the case and to assist and advise the employee in making
appropriate treatment arrangements. The University Psychiatrist is
not available for treatment of employees under this policy.
c. If the employee elects to attempt rehabilitation with the assistance
of the University Psychiatrist, or promptly retains an outside
psychiatrist, the employee may elect admission, at the University's
expense, to a University-selected treatment center for not more than
thirty days. If the employee elects admission to the treatment
center, he or she shall be placed on a leave-with-pay status. Where
applicable, the employee shall utilize accumulated sick leave, earned
or accrued vacation days, or approved vacation days.
- An employee undergoing rehabilitation shall continue normal duties of
employment except during the time, if any, when undergoing treatment
at a treatment center.
- If, during the period of rehabilitation, the employee's job
performance is adversely affected because of the use of alcohol, a
leave of absence without pay for ninety days shall be given. During
such leave of absence, employees who have not previously availed
themselves of treatment in a University-selected treatment center are
eligible for this option for a period not to exceed thirty days but
without pay. If the employee rejects such leave of absence or fails
to satisfy the Provost or the Vice President for Employee Relations
and the University Psychiatrist that he or she has become
rehabilitated during this ninety-day period, termination for cause
shall occur in accordance with the University procedures established
for the employee. During, or at the conclusion of said ninety-day
period, if, in the opinion of the Provost or the Vice President for
Employee Relations and the University Psychiatrist, the employee
demonstrates adequate evidence of rehabilitation, the employee shall
be permitted to return to his or her position of employment, with the
understanding that a recurrence of drinking problems such as to
affect job performance shall be cause for termination in accordance
with established University procedures.
- If the employee, after rehabilitation, again demonstrates that his or
her job performance is adversely affected by use of alcohol, the case
shall be handled on an ad hoc basis.
- The University will assume financial responsibility for confinement
to an alcoholic treatment center once only.
- If terminated for cause under this policy, the employee may apply for
re-employment not earlier than one year following termination, and
re-employment shall be considered based on circumstances at that
- Employees with Less Than Two Years of Service (and who do not have
When the Provost or the Vice President for Employee Relations is
satisfied from the investigation that corrective action is required
with respect to an employee with less than two years of service, each
case shall be handled on an individual basis taking into account the
seriousness of the problem and the potential value of the employee if
rehabilitated. Such an employee may be terminated for cause without
attempted rehabilitation, but ordinarily an effort will be made to
assist such an employee to become rehabilitated, utilizing the
procedures outlined above, except that the University will not
ordinarily undertake the expense of treatment at a treatment center
and ordinarily will terminate rather than grant a leave of absence to
an employee whose job performance is adversely affected by the use of
alcohol during the period of probation.
Employees on leave with pay status under this policy will be eligible
for pay during such leave, provided all other conditions of this
policy are met. In addition, any payments made by the University as
provided herein covering expense of treatment at a rehabilitation
center shall be paid by the University only in those cases where the
employee elects admission to a rehabilitation center acceptable to
the University. Furthermore, payments made by the University for
treatment shall be reduced by any amounts payable through the
employee's Blue Cross/Blue Shield policy. In no event will the
University payment and the Blue Cross/Blue Shield payment exceed the
amount of the treatment facility's normal fee.
Nothing in these procedures abrogates established University policies and
procedures for dismissal.
March 23, 1995