Requests should be forwarded to the appropriate unit with a written statement concerning the benefits and reasons for the purchase. Academic Computing Services and Management Information Services will provide consulting, configuration, and justification help prior to any request. These units will also be responsible for providing support and advisement to the requestor of the support available or the limitations of any support. Further support will be provided by MIS or ACS according to existing policy.
All units are expected to provide funds for any request or independently augment its budget through established procedures before a request is forwarded for approval. Upon approval, the approving computing unit will forward the purchase order to the appropriate University department for processing.
All computing hardware purchases using University funding (1, 2, and 1-7 funds) will automatically be placed on maintenance by the MIS hardware maintenance unit. This coverage is mandatory and must be included in the budget for the necessary funding required for a purchase. Requestors should use 10 percent of purchase price as a guideline for maintenance costs. Units are expected to also have funding available for ongoing support for such items as supplies, upgrades, etc.
Requests for mainframe computing allocations will be processed by Academic computing Services for all academic programs and by Management Information Services for all administrative functions. Academic requests will be made during the annual budget turnaround process. The Provost, based on consultation with Academic Computing Services, allocates funds to the colleges with recommendation for departmental allocations. The deans make the final decision on departmental allocations within their college budgets.