The Constitution of the Faculty of the University of Delaware: Article IX

This constitution may be amended in a meeting of the University Faculty by a two-thirds vote of members present, provided previous written notice of intent to amend has been received by the Faculty one week prior to the meeting in which the proposed amendment is to be considered. All proposed amendments will be presented in faculty meetings by the Faculty Senate Committee on Rules, which will give its recommendation for action by the Faculty. Proposed amendments are presented in writing by faculty members to the Committee on Rules for possible clarification and wording changes. No faculty member may be denied the privilege of having his or her proposed amendment presented to the Faculty by the Committee on Rules.

With the specific exception of sections VIII and IX, this Constitution may also be amended by a two-thirds vote of the members present in a regular or special meeting of the Faculty Senate provided announcement of intent to amend has been made at a preceding regular or special meeting of the Senate. The amendment must be included on the agenda of the Senate meeting at which it will be considered, and that agenda must be circulated to the full faculty at least one week prior to said meeting. (Rev. fall 1988)

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February 21, 1995