The Constitution of the Faculty of the University of Delaware: Article VIII

  1. A general meeting of the University Faculty, presided over by the President of the University, or a deputy designated by the President, shall be held semi-annually. One quarter of the voting membership of the University Faculty shall constitute a quorum. The agenda shall be established and distributed by the President of the University with the advice of the Senate Executive Committee.
  2. Special meetings of the University Faculty, presided over by the President of the University, or a deputy designated by the President, shall be held upon the call of the President of the University, or a majority vote of the Faculty Senate, or a petition by fifteen percent of the voting members of the University Faculty. When informed of the Faculty Senate action or presented with a valid petition, the President of the University shall immediately call such a meeting that will be held within two weeks. The agenda of a special meeting will be confined to topics announced in the call for the meeting. One-quarter of the voting membership of the University Faculty shall constitute a quorum.
  3. Robert's Rules of Order, Newly Revised, 1970, shall be followed by the University Faculty in the conduct of its business in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with this constitution and any special rules of order the Faculty may adopt.
  4. At all regular and special meetings, the Faculty shall automatically resume and exercise all the powers vested in it by the Board of Trustees. An agenda shall be distributed to the Faculty not less than one week before meetings.

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February 21, 1995