The President of the Senate shall preside at meetings of the Senate. He or she shall also serve as chairperson and preside at meetings of the Executive Committee (the officers of the Senate).
The President of the Senate may call special meetings of the Senate or of its Executive Committee.
The President of the Senate shall serve as the executive officer of the Senate and shall sign the official copies of all Senate actions. On all matters concerning publication or public explanation of Senate actions, the President of the Senate shall be the spokesperson and representative of the Senate.
The President Elect of the Senate shall serve as chairperson of the Coordinating Committee on Education and shall assume the office of President in the following year. The President Elect will also assume the office of President in the event of the resignation of the President or the inability of the President to continue to fulfill the responsibilities of his or her office. (Rev. fall 1988)
If the office of President Elect becomes vacant, the Vice President shall assume that office and a special election for a new Vice President shall be held. The Committee on Committees and Nominations will present a slate of at least two eligible candidates for the office of Vice President at the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Senate. (Rev. fall 1988)
When the President of the Senate is absent, the President Elect shall act in his or her place. The Vice President of the Senate shall publish the agenda and relevant committee reports at least one week in advance of regular meetings and as early as practicable before special meetings. (Distribution shall be: agenda, including all committee reports, recommendations, and proposals to all senators and one per each ten faculty members of each department.)
The Secretary shall keep the minutes of the Senate, including the call to meetings, committee reports as adopted and the record of all business transacted and shall distribute to the faculty a record of all these transactions at regular and special meetings, using the previously published agenda as the basis for this record, and duly noting any revisions, amendments, adoptions, or rejections voted by the Senate. The minutes will not contain a record of the debate except by order of the Senate either prior to or immediately after the debate. The Secretary shall provide for the maintenance of an electronically recorded transcript of the meetings. (Rev. 10/5/87)
The agenda of every regular Senate meeting shall include (1) a list of matters currently before every standing committee of the Senate; (2) an item giving the opportunity for remarks by the President of the University and/or the Provost.
Reports or recommendations from standing or ad hoc committees of the Senate shall, when included on the agenda for a Senate meeting, identify the chairperson of the committee, who shall be responsible to be present at the meeting, or to provide for the presence of an alternate. In the absence of the sponsoring committee chairperson or alternate, the presiding officer of the Senate shall declare the report or recommendation stricken from the agenda. (Rev. 7/1/76)