Powers and duties of the standing committees are stipulated by the Senate. In addition to considering matters referred to them by the Senate, standing committees may initiate action on matters clearly within their province and request that they be placed on the agenda of the Senate meeting.
Special committees shall consider matters referred to them by the Senate.
Committee reports to be placed on the Senate agenda must be submitted to the officers of the Senate in advance of the Senate meeting at which consideration of the report is planned, and they shall be distributed with the agenda to members of the Senate.
While committees are encouraged to consult with administrative officials upon request, they do not thereby speak for the faculty or its Senate, unless their charge in the Standing Committee document so specifies. Committees shall ordinarily keep minutes of such consultations, and shall be responsible for timely reporting of their consulting activities to the Senate. Committee reports and papers are confined to routing through the Senate.
The Senate may choose to allow for a committee to submit a closed report to an administrative official when the need for its confidentiality is acceptable to the Senate.