Bylaws and Regulations of the University Faculty Senate: Section G
- Procedural Regulations
- Robert's Rules of Order, Newly Revised, 1970, shall be followed by
the Senate in the conduct of its business in all cases to which they
are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with this
Constitution and any special rules of order the Senate may adopt.
- The President of the Senate shall appoint a Parliamentarian whose
function will be to advise and assist the President of the Senate
with procedural matters and to assist the Vice President with matters
arising from the preparation of the agenda.
(Rev. 10/19/87)
- A roll call vote may be requested for any issue. Whether a roll call
vote is taken is determined by a majority vote of the present and
voting senators.
- Specific operating procedures regarding debate limitations, order of
speakers to be heard, permission of guests to address the Senate,
etc., are established by precedent. Should the conditions of
precedent not be sufficient for efficiency and fairness in the
Senate, the Committee on Rules shall be directed to make specific
recommendations as additions to these rules.
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February 23, 1995