Privileges Delegated to the Several Colleges and Divisions
The Bylaws of the Trustees provide that the Faculty shall have the
- To make recommendations to the Board of Trustees concerning the
establishment of any degree to be awarded or the disestablishment of
any degree.
- To consider matters of general interest to the University and make
recommendations thereupon to the President for transmission to the
Board of Trustees.
- To consider and make recommendations for proposed changes in the
University organization.
- To make recommendations to the President, for transmission to the
Board of Trustees, concerning the formation of policies governing
appointments, promotions, tenure, dismissals, and salaries.
- To propose to the President, for transmission to the Board of
Trustees, upon the concurrence of two-thirds of those present,
amendments to these regulations, provided such amendment or
amendments have been proposed in writing at the preceding regular
meeting of the University Faculty Senate. (Rev. fall 1988)
These collective privileges, like the collective powers described above,
remain with the University Senate as delegated by the Faculty
Constitution. However, each college and division is expected to
initiate recommendations of general interest and to propose
recommendations concerning policies governing appointments, promotions,
tenure, dismissals, and salaries within their college. Ultimately such
proposals would be presented, through committee, to the University