The Bylaws of the Trustees of the University include the following charges to the faculty:
The faculty shall:
Section II, Article I of the Constitution of the Faculty of the University of Delaware empowers the University Senate "to determine the duties which it will delegate to faculty committees and to the faculties of the several colleges and divisions of the University."
The University Faculty recognizes the college faculties as the regular authorized representative agency of each college, having certain delegated functions as follows:
The adoption of the Constitution by the Faculty indicates that the Faculty has assented to grant the collective powers of the Faculty granted by the Trustee Bylaws to the University Faculty Senate except during the conduct of a special meeting of the full Faculty as provided in Section VIII, paragraph 1 of the Constitution of the Faculty of the University of Delaware. Therefore, the University Faculty Senate retains for the Faculty ultimate responsibility in the general areas of curriculum, admission, degree requirements, awards, etc. The committee structure of the Senate reflects the retention of the responsibility of the Senate in these areas. (Rev. fall 1988)
Final or ultimate responsibility is not, however, initial responsibility. The burden for curriculum design, admission policies, degree requirements, prizes, awards and ceremonies must remain at the college level. Each college accepts initial responsibility in these areas. Decisions made at the college level would be presented through committee to the University Faculty Senate. Substantive changes in such decisions would be referred back to the colleges in question.
Decisions regarding the selection of official designees or representatives of a college or division of the University at special ceremonies and celebrations shall be made at the college level.