This committee shall review and consider matters relating to graduate education and shall receive, and may stimulate and originate, proposals for its development.
This committee shall formulate, for determination by the Faculty Senate, the policies for admission to graduate study. It shall have the power to act on the alteration, addition or deletion of individual graduate courses recommended by college committees and to delegate this authority to the individual colleges, Office of the University Registrar, or Office of Graduate Studies, as it deems appropriate. It shall have the power to act on minor modifications of approved graduate programs and shall make recommendation to the Faculty Senate on courses of study leading to graduate degrees and on matters of policy concerning graduate study and may employ outside consultants to this end. The committee shall have the authority and responsibility for general policies concerning the judicial system for graduate students. In the absence of a duly constituted graduate student government, each academic year it shall appoint the graduate student member of the Committee on Student Life. (Detailed procedures for instituting or modifying graduate degree programs are on file in the Senate Office and Office of Graduate Studies.) (Rev. 4/6/92)
The Faculty Senate Committee on Graduate Studies shall periodically receive from the Vice Provost for Graduate Studies a review of the status of each department's program of graduate studies and appropriate recommendations for any action that may be deemed necessary. In addition, the affected unit or units shall be afforded an opportunity to review and comment on the Vice Provost's review. Such comments from the unit shall also be transmitted to the Graduate Studies Committee. The Graduate Studies Committee shall prepare its own recommendations pertaining to periodic reviews of individual graduate programs.
On the recommendation of the Vice Provost for Graduate Studies, this committee shall certify to the President students who have completed the requirements for advanced degrees and upon whom the faculty, with the approbation of the Trustees, is conferring such degrees; such certification shall be entered into the minutes of the faculty or its Senate.