The committee is charged with receiving, filing, and considering agenda items for Senate meetings; informing the Faculty of ongoing activities of the Senate and other University committees in order to encourage contributions to projects still in their formative stages; advising the President of the University on the agenda for meetings of the University Faculty and other matters of mutual interest; and bringing to the attention of the Senate such information, recommendations, and resolutions as are deemed necessary for the performance of its constituted duties.
The Executive Committee shall meet at least once weekly during the academic year (September to May) and shall include on its agenda provision for appropriate written acknowledgment of all proposals, comments, questions, or other memoranda directed to and received by the Senate. It shall be the responsibility of the Secretary of the Senate to assure the efficient filing of all such correspondence, as well as of adequate minutes of Executive Committee meetings.
This committee shall include the President of the Senate, the Vice President of the Senate, the Secretary of the Senate, the Chairperson of the Committee on Committees and Nominations, and the President Elect of the Senate. (Rev. fall 1988)