Bylaws and Regulations of the University Faculty Senate: Section I
- Election by Senators (in Constitution)
- By February 1 of each year, the Secretary of the Senate shall inform
the Units of the Senate of (1) the names of senators whose terms will
expire during the current academic year, and (2) any changes in
apportionment every other year, as stated in the Constitution.
Appeals concerning the apportionment of Senate seats or the
assignment of faculty to voting units for representation shall be
directed to the Committee on Committees and Nominations.
- The dean or director of each Unit shall provide the Secretary of the
Senate with a complete description of the method of election
procedures established by the Unit. Any changes shall be reported to
the Secretary of the Senate prior to their implementation.
- Results of elections shall be announced to the members of the Units.
- Vacancies created in the Senate for any reason whatsoever shall be
filled by an election of the faculty involved. The Rules Committee
is authorized to adjust the ending point of such a term in order to
assure that adequate overlap of terms required in Section IV,
Paragraph 3 of the Constitution is maintained for each unit. That
term shall not count against him or her in subsequent elections to a
regular term.
- The undergraduate student body shall be represented by five student
senators of which the same two will be voting members. The duly
constituted undergraduate student government will arrange the
election of the five senators from the full-time undergraduate
student body with such procedures contingent upon approval of the
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February 25, 1995