This committee shall be a continuing center for overviewing the broad educational affairs of the University; for providing a large context for the examination and preparation of educational proposals; and for providing liaison and coordination among the following enumerated educational committees. It shall survey academic weaknesses and strengths and help formulate and assess educational policies and practices. Mindful of Trustee and Administrative responsibility for the University's fiscal affairs, and at the same time recognizing budgetary matters as a main instrument of academic development, this committee is authorized to confer with the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs concerning the establishment of academic priorities and their implementation, and such other related budgetary matters as may arise.
This committee shall be made up of the President Elect of the Senate who shall chair the committee; the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs or his or her designee; three faculty members appointed for three- year terms by the Committee on Committees and Nominations; one undergraduate and one graduate student; and the chairpersons of the following enumerated standing committees of the Faculty Senate.